The Debutane

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Finnaly, after years of waiting, the debutane, where Athanasia life marks events will now happens, from this very event. Entering the hall with confidence and lifting her head high, the nobles immidiately whispers to one another, 'She's such a cute princess~' 'She have much confidence huh, hmph, that was unexpected.' 'Arrogant...' 'I wonder if she's alike his majesty.' praises and criticsm were mixed together in the hall, most of the nobles did not bother to pay respect by bowing down to the royal family. The hall was loud and noisy at the time, to the point it was annoying.

Claude sent a cold glare to those who did not bother to bow, in result, they all bowed and the hall was in silence. Athanasia sighed, this wasn't nessecary at all, she can just makes them shut up later on, but this method was definitely fast.

Arriving to the center of the hall, Claude and Athanasia stand infront of each others and bowed, then started dancing. Her years of dancing and the blood of the dancing fairy running through her veins, she was beautiful like a fairy, just like her mother. In the other hand, Claude easily follows Athanasia's lead, is this his natural talent or is it his hard-working? Neverthless, it was an amazing dance, everyone was in awe of this elegant dance.

The first dance ended grandfully and claps started to filled the place, Athanasia was rather surprised since she never received such attention and praises, the young princess slightly blushed at the sounds of praises. Claude was surprised, he never seen her like this before, she was always arrogant, confident and indifferent with praises in his eyes. He was rather sad, why can't she opens more to him? Because of the distance he drew after she was borned?

Seeing Claude dazed in his thoughts, Athanasia gestures him to head over to the throne, where he's supposed to sit. She takes his hands and whispers quietly, "Quit dazing, you still have works to do here." Claude was shook off from his thoughts, he took Athanasia's hand and head to the throne, on the way he whispers to her, "Don't so rude to me like that, I'm still your father and the emperor you know." Athansia couldn't help but laugh, Claude thought she enjoys conversations like this, but he was wrong. She laughed because of the father part, "This foolish."

They both arrives where the throne is, saying a few words before the ball starts. "Thank you for making your time to come here, I wish everyone who have their debutane now will have a great time." Athanasia confidently said, leaving the crowd a good impression on her, she is no scary cat.

Athanasia and Claude then head on to the center of the hall, for the first dance. The nobles were quite, shocked than surprised. That Emperor will grant his daughter a dance? Well that a first in their lives, ever. If only they knew Athanasia and Claude's ongoing relationship. They both bowed and started dancing gracefully. They look like they walk straight out from a fairytale.

"You dance suprisingly well." Claude whispered to Athanasia, praising her, but Athanasia was indifferent about it, "I guess it's in my blood." she replied. She used to hear her dancing teachers says this a lot, how her mother was a dancing fairy and how she's a low-born, to the point that it's annoying.

The first dance finish beautifully and the ball was filled with claps. Claude then steps aside for Athanasia and the girls who also have their debutane today to dance with their partners. He was not very happy, since his little princess hand will be hold by another man. Athanasia did not know who to dance with, no one know her, yet she know everyone. A young boy then offers his hand to her, "May I have this dance, princess?" Athanasia stunned, she never thought he would offers her a dance, "Your highness?"

Athanasia then quickly get back to her senses, and quickly accepts, "O-oh, yes of course, Young Master Alpheus." She just simply confused, wasn't Ijekiel's the one who will dance with Jeanette and escort Jeanette? If he's dancing with her now, who's Jeanette dancing with? Athanasia glances to the side, hoping to find Jeanette, "Your Highness, are you perhaps uncomfortable with me?" Ijekiel asked after seeing Athanasia looking at other places. 

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