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"His Majesty, the Emperor requested the Princess to have some tea with his Majesty." Felix reported the request flustered, knowing that Lily won't like it but he had no choice in this. Lily was shocked with the news, eyes wide open, a pair of fearful eyes. She was trembling, unable to keep up with the news, she puts the Princess to the ground and raise up to answer Felix, "W,we understood. W,when is the t,time...?" Lily look like she's going to faint at anytime, but she still manage to keep it on.

"...This afternoon, the Emperor will come here to pick up her Highness." The time is too rushy, "W-what???? He never ever invited me to have some tea before!! Why now?!"  Athanasia clenched her simple and plain white dress while looking down to the ground. Lily breath in and out, then gave a clear and simple reply, "W,we understood. We'll have her Highness ready by then." Athanasia was surprised, wasn't Lily was trembling before? Why so solid now? She noticed the young nanny hands, they were still trembling. She's scared and terrified, but she carry on the duties of a nanny. She wanted the princess to have a real family love than ever. 

Felix bowed and walk away, leaving the dust of the terrified news behind. The maids who were presented at the scene spread out the news, it was faster than ever. The news quickly reach the other Palaces workers in just a few hours. The Ruby Palace maids were happy for the Princess but scared, for themself. What if they make a mistake? They'll be fire? Or worse, head rip apart from the body. 

The young and angel-like princess is locking herself in her simple decorated bedroom, lost in her thoughts by the news. "In the past, was there an event like this? When I was 6 years old, has the Emperor bothered to invite me to tea? Why such a sudden change? Is it because I entered his Palace? Or is there some thing that I missed? Six year old, middle of summer... Ah! There was! Back in the days, he did invited me to tea once! I was really happy to hear that... But he canceled the tea party anyways, due to some works or whatsoever. He'll probably cancel it this time too, right? When I entered his Palace, nothing should have changed...?" 

Deep herself with the silence, she can feel goosebumps in her arms, what if she changed the result? Claude face from before, he clearly was interested in her. What if he actually cast his works aside and come here? She'll have to face that demon-like man again? "I...messed up."


Time goes by very quickly, it was just a sunny and warm morning, now the chilly and gloomy afternoon have come. "Princess, please do tell me if you're not comfortable in the tea party, I'll try my best to help you." The young nanny say while brushing the princess hair, this sentence can be understand in another meaning, "I'll put my life on the line for you." Athanasia couldn't help but feel appreciated that she have such a caring and protective nanny, her non-biological mother. A maid sudden open the door and inform the princess, "H,his Majesty has arrived and is waiting for her Highness in the garden!" Lily sigh at the maid and scolded her, "Marie, don't rush yourself and enter the Princess room so carelessly like that. Behave better next time." She finish brushing Athanasia hair and put final decoration to it. "Now, Princess you're ready."

The road that led to the garden seems like a long journey, luckily, Felix was waiting infront of the Palace to escort Athanasia so it's easier for her. Chatting with Felix has always been pleasing and comfortable, he's friendly and very funny. Athanasia wish if such person is her father, she would has a happy childhood unlike this one she owned. They quickly arrived due to Felix long legs and huge footstep. Beside the river is that cold-blooded Emperor who's looking at the river, soulless eyes, somehow, he seems, sad? "Forget about it, Athanasia. He's the man who killed you and curse your mother everytime he see you. Snap out of it." 

"Her Highness has arrived." 


Author's note:

aaaa, I apologize for this very very short chapter, I have a lot going on right now so I can barely have free time :( I'll make up for it, I promise! Get ready for 2 chapters coming right up!

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