Madam Helena: The most Honorable Noble

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Alots of invites have been sent to Athanasia that's enough to pilled up the whole table. Those nobles, they are all watching this like a soap opera. Although most of them are only low-rank to middle-rank nobles have shown up in the name of the sender. The high-ranking nobles knows how to behave, don't they?

Athanasia quickly go through the invites, she doesn't intend to go any of those, but checking is better. None of those invites have particulary catches Athanasia's attention, expect for two of them. They are from Madam Helena, who holds the most honorable spot within the Nobles, for her amazing accomplishment of preventing a raising epidemic starting from the West a few years ago. And the other invite was from Lady Cecilia, whom Athanasia consider as a friend.

"Lady Cecilia sending me an invite is normal, since we are on good terms. But Madam Helena? I don't think we've ever met before, both in my previous life and this life." Madam Helena was also one of the most hard to meet people in the Empire. Since she lives in seclusion and barely shows up in high society for the sake of her researches.

"It wouldn't hurt seeing her, guess I'll go." Athanasia took the two invites with her, "I'll go and write the reply now, and a bunch of decline reply for those letters." Athanasia have a deep sigh, ignoring them should be fine because of her high place, but they'd consider her as arogant. Like hell Athanasia'd want a bad relationship with the nobles just after her debut. They will be of use for her to get on the throne later on.


"Princess, which dress would you like to wear today?" a bunch of extravagant dresses were Athanasia's options to choose from. Today's the day she will go and meet with Madam Helena, the most honorable noble ever. "This won't do, bring me a white dress with less accesories, make it as simple as you can." the maids look at each other, confusing, and quickly go and get a beautiful dress with Athanasia's description.

Madam Helena is a person who prefers simple things over extravagant things, a big pink dress with a lots of accesories will only makes her marks you as a typical princess who prefers expensive clothings. "A tender and slim figure will definitely please her more." Athanasia said with a sweet tone with a lot of respects.

"I must get Madam Helena to my side with any costs!"


The capital's weather was cloudy today, but Madam Helena's residence's weather was rather, sunny and refreshing. Her garden were covered with beautiful rare flowers that came from the West borders, and her mansion looks simple but have an elegant feeling. Her residence was truly beautiful.

Athanasia got off the carriage thanks to Felix and saw a tall and slim figure waiting for her, "Welcome, dear Princess, I shall welcome to my humble residence." it was Madam Helena, she's have an apperance of an elderly woman, but still looks as lively as ever. "Thank you for having me, Madam Helena." Athanasia bowed with perfect manners and her sweet aura was filling the atmosphere.

Madam Helena smiles faintly, "It is an honor to have your Highness here, please, let me guide you inside." She was carefull with words and she seems so sweet, a lots different from those filfthy nobles who only knows how to please others and talks behind their backs.

The mansion inside were very simple, a white with a faint purple hint, it looks a design from ages ago. They arrives at the greenhouse which was filled with medical herbs, "Your Highness, please don't get too close to that area, those herbs can be poisonous." Athanasia nods, "But your greenhouse is indeed unique and surprising, Madam Helena." she gives out a bussiness smile.

Madam Helena smiles widely, "It is thanks to my years of works to manage such greenhouse. And it is my duty to grow and provide herbs." Madam Helena drinks her tea elegantly, she'd be a fairymother. "

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