The Talk

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"Ah..? This morning's accident...? Don't you tell me..." Athanasia was extremely confused by the sudden apologise of Lucas. Who is now covering his face and facing the wall by the side. Akuji shakes her head, then proceed what happened.

"This is the Grand Magician Lucas, the Lucas I told you about." Akuji smiled, she was sorta enoying Lucas' high-esteemed self apologizing and being in shame. Athanasia was stunned, she couldn't proceed what happened. The pervert from this morning was him? The so-amazing Grand Magician Lucas?

Akuji leans close to Athanasia, whispering in her right ear, "He actually knows what you are doing everyday. He loves you by a lot~" Athanasia ear went red. 'He's- he's totally a mad one!!' is what she thought. 

"H-hey!! You stupid! I did not!!" Lucas, who actually heard Akuji thanks to his advanced hearing spell, went tomato red and defend himself. "Huh? Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop on girls' talks? Wow~ Being heartbroken for so long must've made you lose your common senses~" Akuji was enjoying teasing and talk bad about Lucas.

They were bickering, and Athanasia was standing alone, her hands were forming in a fist form. Athanasia was in rage, how can he peeps on her?! She was both angry and shy, a girl's daily routine was something boys' better not know!! She went up to Lucas, and...

...Punch him in the face, Akuji was clapping her hands as if she was watching an opera and her mouth unknowingly let out an "Oh wow~"

Well, it was messy start.


"Ahem, so, Akuji, what is your purpose in bringing this man here?" Athanasia sits straight up, her anger seems to be partly softened. Lucas was rubbing his swollen face, standing by Athanasia's working table. While Akuji and Athanasia are both sitting face-to-face on the sofa, enjoying tea.

Akuji chuckles, it been a while ever since she truly feels this fun. "Haha, it is to establish our plan, it will only bring good for us if he helps us. I don't have that vast of mana I supposed to have anymore. While you do, but knows too little about the magic and mana." Akuji calmly explains to Athanasia. "So, he is the only one who knows about us that possesses both of those qualities!"

Athanasia stares at Lucas, making him nervously uncomfortable. 'Does she wants to continue beating me...?' is what he thought. But that wasn't the case.

"Well, it's not like we have any choices." Athanasia turns her head, she was clearly irritated, but still, she accepted him. Lucas was partly glad.

"So, how's Jeanette?" Akuji asks curiously, since she doesn't have the ability to watch over everything in the palaces.

"Well...much annoying as she supposes to be. She visited me thrice! Just to ask if I am okay, do I need help, blah blah...Do I look like I need help from an idiot who doesn't even know how to handle a pen?!" Athanasia complains as if she had none to complain to.

She clearly dislikes Jeanette more and more. It would've been just fine if Jeanette knows her place, stay in her place and not go around to irritates Athanasia like that.

"Haha, I understand. She only knows how to speak sweet, she doesn't even bother to help despite her sooooo sweet words." Akuji drinks her tea cup, chatting with Athanasia comfortably. 

Lucas was just standing there, listening. He himself also enjoyed their conversation, since he dislikes Jeanette for making his Athanasia miserable as well. The room's content wasn't very nice, but the atmosphere sure is.

Time pass slowly, Akuji and Athanasia was still chatting, Lucas was playing magic with his fingers. Somehow, in that period of time, Lucas managed to lift her anger towards him and now they are sorta of a good terms.

That is when troubles did not arrives yet.

While they were still there, someone knocked on the door. Athanasia jolted, she cannot let anyone discover that Lucas and Akuji are here, no one is suppose to know about their existences.

"Athanasia, can I come in?" this voice, it's Jeanette. She again visited Athanasia when clearly, Athanasia shows her uncomfortablity visibly.

"Tsk! It's Jeanette!" Athanasia grits her teeth and whispers to Akuji, "Quick, hide!" If anyone, especially Jeanette, learns about their existences, their plans would dissappeares into thin air.

"Athanasia? Can I come in?" Jeanette, worried when she didn't get an instant response, knock a second time, but this time, she came in without permission.

"Old woman, what are you doing?!" Lucas, who was in a rush in casting a transportation spell, yells quietly to Akuji, who was still saying something to Athanasia.

She slowly opens the door, peek her head inside, and what she saw was....

A sweaty Athanasia at her working table, the coffee table that has two cups and some eaten desserts. Some papers on Athanasia's working table were on the floor. And a room that Athanasia was working all alone.

"O-Oh Jeanette, why did you come?" Athanasia was breathing heavingly, looks like she ran.

"A-Ah, I just wanted to see if you were still working! I wanted us to have dinner together..." Jeanette was fidgeting and looking down. What a royal should never do.

Athanasia was annoyed yet again, but she stays composure, "I understand." She smiled at Jeanette. Jeanette raises her head, thinking it was a positive respond. "But I have too much works going on, so can you eat alone?" she denied, as always.

Jeanette should've expected this, she lowers her head again, "I-I understand..! Oh um, then, I'll get going..." Jeanette quickly rushes out of the room, and Athanasia said nothing but stares when she leave.

Athanasia sighed, "Whew...Thank god we made it in time..." she was relieved. Lucas managed to transport him and Akuji to somewhere— possibly to the Paddy field. And Athanasia ran back to her seat and pretends as if she was still working.

"Hahh....Seriously? Akuji..." Athanasia sighed at what Akuji told her before she left. "I understand...Our plan will take place in May."

It is currently the last week of December.


Author's Notes:

HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOO yes this is a short chaper for such a long waiting (I'm sorry hicc). Next chapter will have a tinnnyyyyyy time-skip, we'll be getting to April, 1 month before the plan takes place !!!

I will try to make the next chapter long, so for now, enjoys the last week of April!!! (●'◡'●)

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