The Hidden Tower

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20 minutes ago...

Athanasia wandered around her beautiful rose garden, now destroyed. She used her tracking magic, to see if the culprit have left any traces behind, "Hmph, seems like there's none. Such a shame." Athanasia pouts and close her tracking magic. She noticed a sharp knife on the groud, hidden in the bush, Athanasia then carefully walked to the knife, making sure that it isn't a trap. She can felt the mana surrounded by the knife, it's definitely the culprit of this mess weapon. Wrapping mana around their weapons like that, must be a skilled magician. Finding one that can do this within the Empire isn't hard, the Obelia don't really have that many talented magicians around this time. "Hah, they must be insane to leave this behind." Athanasia smirks and used her magic to levitate the knife, so her hands won't be harm nor dirty. 

"Sk, destroying my garden as they pleased, this isn't the place to relieve their stress or whatsoever." It's certain that Athanasia will punish this person no matter what their excuses might be. Touching the royal belongings can already make you receive a punishment, destroying on purpose is a death penalty. The person who did this might not be sane, atleast when they commit their crime. The smell of burned leaves and flowers made Athanasia's nose itch, it smells terrible. "Ugh, I should really call the servants to clean this stupid mess up. How come none of them noticed it?" Frowning at the thought that no one bothered to clean this mess makes Athanasia blood boil even more. 

On her way back to the Emerald Palace, Athanasia went across a shady tower, on the new path that she just discovered. "Hm? There was a tower like this? I thought in the Imperial Palace, there was only the Black Tower, was I mistaken?" Wondering what might the mysterious tower be, Athanasia couldn't help but look around the tower, since the entrance is blocked. It was an old and shady tower, similar to the Black Tower, but way older than it. Mana also filled up the the tower as Athanasia touched, the mana is strong and overwhelming her. Is this a relic or sort of?

"This is indeed strange... How come I only knew the existence of this until now...?" Questioning the existence of the strange tower, Athanasia can't help but think, 'is this an illusion?'. But she noticed a ruby color orb on the ground, not wasting any time, she picked it up and examine the orb. "Woah, a ruby color orb? This is pretty, what's this thing anyway?" The ruby colored orb sudden exploded, leaving Athanasia surprised, "Shit-- This is--!!"


" did I ended up here..?" Rubbing her head as she fell to the ground harshly, luckily, she managed to use her magic to decrease the pain before she actually fell down. Cursing the ruby orb, Athanasia frowned, "Damn it, I should've know that it was a teleportation orb....Who the hell would leave it there anyway?" Athanasia stood up, brush off the dust that got on her dress, but it still left a dirty brown stain behind, "God, if Lily sees this, I will be dead for sure." Explore the weird place she have been teleported to is Athanasia first thing came in mind when she just got teleported. "This place haven't been cleaned for atleast a few years, isn't it?" Rusty and full of spider nets, it's sure is dirty. 


Athanasia have explored the mysterious place for a while and managed to draw a map and get a hold of the tower architecture, atleast in the floor she is in. "Hmm, a not too big main room, two storages, and a secret room with a lock. This tower is more simple than I thought, or maybe the person who built this wasn't creative at all? Anyway, it's not possible to get out of here using magic nor physical methods, I'm pretty much trapped here..." The tower was squirms with overflowing mana, the spells are of course high levels spells that can't be dispell be just anyone, not by Athanasia, who don't focus on magic studies that much as her sword trainings.

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