"Is it like a beat without a melody?" - Chapter 13

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tw: very uncomfortable themes (but nothing happens i promise) and violence

"Eliza? You need to wake up now. It's getting cold out here."

Eliza's eyes fluttered open, seeing nothing but a hoodie before her, before glancing up to see the handsome face of Alexander staring down at her. She tried to move, but felt stiff and her muscles ached, so she thought she'd give it a moment. "Morning," She smiled sleepily, chuckling.

"Morning, sleepyhead." He returned the grin, a hand brushing over her head to rest against her cold cheek. "Though, it's evening now. I wanted to wake you before dusk fell. We should head back now."

"Are the others not worried?"

"Don't worry. They came searching for you a few minutes after you fell asleep, but I waved them off, and texted them later saying where we were and that I'd update them. I took care of it all." Alexander's hand retracted from her cheek, instead taking ahold of her shoulder, the other now resting in the middle of her shoulder blades and aiding her into a sitting position.

Eliza leant against him, yawning widely. "Did you bring your car?"

"No, Laf drove us here. You walked here though, right?"

"Well, it's possible to walk, but we usually take a bus 'cause it's much quicker." Eliza slowly stood, stretching out her limbs and blinking away her sleep.

Alexander muttered something about his legs being numb, before he managed to stand himself. "Okay. You lead the way then. My phone has plenty battery, just in case we get lost." He offered helpfully.

She nodded, taking his hand in hers and beginning to walk out of the blanketed clearing, which looked graceful and almost angelic in the dusk light. Dazzling diamonds of white dusted the ground and treetops, making a crunch beneath their feet with every step they took. Winter had always been cold here.

She glanced behind to see if he was following properly, only to make direct eye contact, and realise he'd been staring at her and not the scenery. Eliza scoffed and turned swiftly, hiding a blush, and pulling him faster out of the clearing.

They entered the thin forest and their pace slowed slightly, so they could walk side by side. The two were mainly quiet, only talking to comment on the pretty nature around them, but noticing the tranquility of the leafless forest that they trudged through was more enjoyable if they joined it in its eternal silence.

However, once they exited the forest, they began to make their way to the main road again. A lumpy, dirt path swiftly became a well-trodden path that was much smoother to walk on. Eventually, they stepped onto the sidewalk and began to uneventfully make their way down the road and once again, into the city lights.

Once reaching the safety of a bustling city, filled with cars and people even as darkness fell upon them, Alexander turned to Eliza.

"I need to go take care of something real quick, do you mind waiting here for me?"

Eliza paused, glancing at him with a lot of hesitation. It was basically built into a woman's brain to never be alone at night. Especially on the edge of the street, near some shady alleyways. "You won't be far, right?"

"I promise I won't go far. Just yell my name and I'll probably hear you. Rabbit ears," He joked, tapping his temple playfully, noticing the slight fearful look in her eye.

She took a deep inhale, then nodded. She trusted him. "Please don't be long."

Alexander kissed her forehead and slipped his hand away, turning and walking out of sight. She watched him go as far as she could, before she instantly backed up against the nearest wall. Having her back exposed was worse. She should at least be able to see everything that would approach her from here.

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