"Yo, this one's mine" Chapter 3

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"Shit-" Eliza hissed under her breath, placing the knife down and raising her finger to her eye-level. Bright, red spots of blood had already bubbled there. Not much. But enough to sting. She cursed a little more quietly before running it under the kitchen tap, wiping her eyes as she did so, trying to rid the onion-infested tears from the tawny brims.

"I thought you had a policy against swearing?" Peggy called from the couch, flipped on her back with her head upside down, watching Eliza with amused eyes.

Eliza paused. "That's for you, not me," She spoke cautiously, rubbing the small cut with a paper towel. "And, besides, I didn't curse."

"I heard you say sh-"

"If you repeat that word, I won't be feeding you."

"That's child abuse."

"You're of age. I can do that." Eliza snickered. She always loved the banter she had between her and her siblings. It was a shame that she and Ange didn't get to do it so often; they'd been so close when they were younger, and ever since they'd both focused on work and life, really, they'd grown a little more distant despite being in the same household.

Peggy huffed, rolling off the couch and lazily walking over. "Do you need help? Your hands are shaking like mad." She spoke airily, but there was a tone of concern underlying the casualness.

"I'm just nervous. We haven't had company in years. Not since Angelica had that boyfriend when she was, what, sixteen?" Eliza sighed, gratefully stepping aside to allow Peggy to chop at the onions.

"Yeah. John Church, was it?"

"I think so." Eliza rested her back against the counter, staring up at the ceiling. "It's just so weird to have so many people in the apartment. Three others, and they said they might even invite a few people." She groaned, placing her head in her hands.

"And they're most likely all gonna be guys." Peggy added, chuckling. "Hey! We get to be the 'catch' of the party, y'know? It's been a while since we've shown off our 'schuyler flair'. You know just as well as I do that we're good looking sisters. Perhaps you could even snatch yourself a boyfriend by the end of the night, you know, cause you're so lonely?"

Eliza flicked her over the head, earning a playful yell followed by a giggle. "Well, we can dress nice at least. And I'm not looking for a boyfriend," Eliza paused, mind once again setting on the handsome, husky-voiced man she'd met in the library. Alexander. What a lovely name that is. How it rolls over the tongue so easily, how it fits any accent - including his own French tinged one. He was an interesting man, to say the very least. "I'm just..-"

"Because you're struggling to find an excuse for swooning over the guy in the library - don't try to argue it, I can see that dreamy look on your face - I'll just say you're not looking for a partner at the moment. Then none will make a move on you." Peggy interrupted with a roll of the eyes, placing the knife down and turning, one hand on one hip.

Eliza studied her for a moment, eyes scanning her up and down. "When did you get so simultaneously wise and sassy?"

"I share a room with Angelica twenty-four-seven."

"Valid point."

Eliza washed her finger under the tap, wrapping it in a bandage and joining Peggy back at the counter. "How 'bout that Laurens, then, huh?" Eliza bumped her hips against Peggy's whilst she turned the oven on, placing a pan over the heated stove.

"He's gay."

"Excuse me?"

"I mean it. I think he's gay," Peggy turned to her earnestly, blinking. "Or, bisexual at the very least."

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