"I'm so into you" - Chapter 5

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TW: violence. nothing massive.

Parties. Probably the thing that Eliza most disliked when it came to socialising, and yet she found herself going to many. They usually ended in loads of people drunk, arguments, or just sore feet at the end of the night. And also a ringing headache. Not just from alcohol, but from the sheer noise of the events.

Now, they stood on the steps to Lafayette's house - she had to admit, she was a little jealous that he could get a house - preparing themselves for the place that lay ahead. Eliza kept glancing at Alexander. She wanted to stick by him, as her sisters weren't around to be of comfort, but didn't want to be 'that' person and hold someone back from having fun by themselves.

Which was her whole reasoning for not staying with Theo in the first place, so why should Alexander be any different?

"Well, let's go in, then. If you're uncomfortable at any point you can come find me." Alexander spoke, leading them up the steps. He didn't seem to direct it at one person, an open statement for the both of them, which was a nice sentiment.

Theodosia shivered, rubbing her arms. She wasn't cold, Eliza could tell just from her facial expression, but rather that she seemed nervous. "You'll be fine, Theo! It's just a party. You'll find some friends at least." Eliza smiled at her, giving her a friendly pat on the back. Theodosia managed to grin back.

The doors swung open and Alexander held it for them as they followed in his wake, gazing around at the insides. Was Lafayette rich, or did he come from a rich family? This place was huge. They walked into the large hall, arching way above them with a crystal chandelier glimmering down on them from above. Eliza looked back at Theo just as the other girl did, and they met each other's awed eyes, giggling a little in disbelief.

Alexander caught up after closing the large, wooden doors, and lead them to the end of the hall where loud bass emanated from much smaller doors. When the door swung open, it was like Eliza was met with the night of her own party once more. Loud chatter and laughter, music that pounded on her head and made it ache, and a sea of people that would be a struggle to get through. She instantly latched to Alexander beside her, the memories of Jefferson flooding back and causing her heart to race in a small panic.

Aside from the panic, the place was beautiful. Golden, shiny objects shone at her from everywhere along with beautiful French silver. Candles were lit to set the atmosphere but the chandelier - with an electric bulb at the top so it would radiate a huge amount of light - ruined it. Eliza figured it would be dimmed later when needed. The room was massive; Eliza could look up and see the second floor where it came out into a balcony, circling the main area around the edges but never making a full ceiling. She did see a ceiling above that, however, and wouldn't be surprised if there was a third floor from how big this place was. Again, she was struck with jealousy but swallowed it down.

Instead, she hoped to God that this was the party Jefferson was not going to. "I'll meet you back here at the end of the night, okay, Theo?" Eliza leaned over to the girl, arm still wrapped around Alexander's, talking as normally as she could over the bass boosted music. Theo nodded, and Eliza gave a thumbs up in response before they dispersed from each other. Alexander led her through the crowd, careful to make sure that she would not let go of his arm. With the way he was confidently working, it was clear that he was searching for his group of friends. Eliza was fine with that. She liked his friends, anyway. They were nice to her and her sisters.

Eventually, they found the boys huddled together: Laurens, Lafayette and Hercules all in the same spot and chanting for Hercules to chug another beer. Eliza sighed at their childish game, but couldn't stop a small smile from curving up her lips. Alexander unhooked his arm from around Eliza's and took the beer from Hercules. "C'mon man, the party has barely started. You can't get off your face quite yet." Alexander chuckled, giving the beer to Lafayette instead.

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