"Let me be apart of the narrative" - Chapter 16

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A/N; this one is really short because the book is beginning to near its end and i need to get the 'plot' moving. and it's also 3:50am at current time of writing i am physically incapable of making coherent sentences sound good

extra note: titles and header pictures are going to become more important from here on out

that's all, enjoy

This is it. I can't let Angelica keep doing this. I have to stop this, once and for all. Whether she chooses to be by my side at the end of it or not, that's what the final outcome must be. I can't keep doing this.

Eliza walked determinedly to the guest room that Angelica was sleeping in, her fists tensed up at her side, though anxiety rocked her senses clean.

She was afraid. Afraid of the confrontation, of the yelling sure to ensure, and worst of all, losing Angelica. Despite what her sister has done to her, she still loved her.

But that was it. This was the last time that Angelica would mess around with her boyfriend. Whether it was the last time she and Angelica would speak or see each other...? That was another story. Taking a shaking inhale, Eliza knocked on the door. There was a lazy "come in" spoken from inside, and Eliza paused, watching her hand tremble over the door handle.

Here we go. Nothing left to lose.

Eliza swung the door open and stared at Angelica, who sat on the floor, hair ruffled and face half buried in her hands. "Oh, it's you." She mumbled, glancing away from Eliza.

Eliza gripped the door handle tighter, spinning and closing it behind her. "Angelica, I can't allow this to continue any longer."

"You didn't tell me you were together."

"I can't allow you to keep doing this to him. You're hurting both him and me." Eliza didn't look around. Not yet.

"You never told me."

Eliza turned, glaring at her sister. "He said we were together before you advanced on him today."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

Eliza furrowed her brows. "Are you even listening to me?" She demanded, striding over and crouching in front of her mess of a sister. Hair, tangled and bushy, framing her face and yet falling over her eyes, so when Eliza parted the curls she saw the tear streaks lining Angelica's cheeks.

"I didn't want this to happen Eliza." She whispered hoarsely.

"Well, you made it happen. Multiple times." Eliza frowned, crossing her arms over her knees. She watched Angelica carefully.

Angelica looked down at the ground, letting out a low exhale. "I'm sorry. You probably don't even want to see me ever again."

Oh. Well, that was easier than expected. Eliza sat herself down with a sigh. "You know, if it were anyone else, I'd agree with you. But unfortunately you're my sister. And I'll always love you, through and through," She paused, running a hand through her hair. "Please. Just promise me you won't do this again."

"I won't, I promise. I promise." Angelica seized her wrists desperately.

Eliza gazed at her sympathetically. This was definitely not what she was expecting, but she wasn't complaining. She could only hope Angelica was being sincere for the final time. "You really need a break, huh?"

Angelica nodded slowly, and Eliza reached out, gently brushing her thumb over Angelica's cheek.

"How about we go out of town for a bit? Just you n me. Peggy can stay here with the others. We need to work on ourselves, just us two." She suggested softly.

Angelica paused, then nodded again, blinking at Eliza. "I- I'd like that. But are you sure you wanna leave...?"

"I would rather regain our relationship than worry about what I'm leaving behind. Besides, it'll only be temporary... a week, or so? Maybe?" Eliza tilted her head.

Angelica managed to smile. "Yeah. Sounds good."


"You wouldn't believe it was the same person, Alexander, honestly. It was weird." Eliza drew a circle over Alexander's chest; they lay in his bed, cuddled up together and relaxing away from the others in the palace who had decided to play some games downstairs. "I don't know how mentally stable she is. I'm going to have to spend a lot of time with her, even after this week is over."

His hands wrapped around her middle a little tighter, pulling her closer. "D'you really have to go?"

"Yes, Alexander. If we want to settle this everlasting feud between us and Angelica, I have to go. Taking a break will be good for me, anyway, and I don't start work for another three weeks yet. I'll be fine. Will you be okay without me?"

Alexander nodded, sighing heavily. "I'll take care of Peggy for you, too."

Eliza grinned, glancing up at his face which was quite downtrodden, but he managed a smile back. "Hey, listen. She'll probably wanna go back to the apartment soon. You can accompany her, if you want? I'd rather someone was there keeping watch of the place, anyway," She murmured.

Alexander ran his fingers through her hair. "Sure. Just remember to call me regularly, alright?"

"Deal. You take the house in exchange for a few calls from me." Eliza flipped around so that her back was pressed against his chest, taking his wrists and pulling them around her, aiding his hands into a hug. "I don't see what my benefit is here." She chuckled, eyes beginning to flutter shut.

"Your benefit is a healthy relationship with your sister, and I'm just a little less traumatised." While Alexander jested about this, Eliza did really wonder whether Angelica's actions had a huge effect on her boyfriend. Did they plague his mind? Did he often think of it like she did? Or did he manage to keep it out of his thoughts, like any rational person would?

Eliza snuggled up closer to Alexander and let her eyes shut fully. Well, whatever happened, she trusted he'd make the right choice.

After all, he can't do the same thing again, right?

A/N; here we gooo the final road to the end of the book :') it's not completed yet but it's definitely over halfway now!!

I just wanted to thank everyone for the support, and all of your patience despite how short my chapters may be, and I'm overdue on my release date

it genuinely means the world to me to read all of your comments and to see all of your love. thank you, from the bottom of my heart, seriously

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