Ending Author Notes

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this is,, so much to take in, honestly. I can't believe that this is over, ya know?

when i pressed "publish" on the last chapter, it felt weird. like both a weight had been lifted off of my chest and yet a new one had settled on my shoulders. it's gonna be weird not panicking on Wednesday realising i haven't written anything except a few hundred words for the week's chapter, and finishing it on Sunday. it's definitely gonna be weird not seeing new comments or votes. im still not used to it

also, we hit 5k reads today which is just... so insane? my god.

OAB started back in September of 2020 as a sort of "eh, i haven't touched wattpad in years, but im not getting anywhere with my current fanfic (that i was writing w friends) so im just gonna put my own out there". the plot was sloppy and not very well put together, basic at best. there's loopholes and things that don't make sense, but i have to be honest, i still fell in love with it.

OAB wasn't intended to grow to be such a big part of me and my life as it is today; ive grown attached to the characters inside of it, as though they're separate from the musical or even from real life. i never expected to be here at this very moment, thinking back on the past few months and wondering what a rocky and yet enjoyable ride this has been.

i have a lot to speak on when it comes to this book, so this may seem a little all over the place. if anything im just way too emotional to cope with this lmao, me, myself, as the author, is not really ready to see this go

over a book will always hold a special place in my heart, no matter what other projects i go onto doing in the future. OAB has been there since the start.

i also just want to thank all of you, too, for all of the support ive gained. life hasn't been the easiest for me recently, and mentally ive been so exhausted and overworked, not to mention overwhelmed; but publishing a chapter at 4am to wake up to all of your comments make my day. thinking about how each chapter can play out in a special way to fill the gaps in the plot, or what "lessons" i could choose to teach through writing and through character's experiences.

you can tell it was all sort of put together in a rush, but in a way, i think that's what makes it special. it's basic, and it's understandable and it's not the most unique - it uses the same goddamn cheating plot over and over - and yet that's what makes it what it is.

im not overly proud of the writing itself in OAB, however i am proud of what it came to be, and how far ive come because of it. no matter where i was in life, i was able to open wattpad and just continue writing over a book. it was always there for me, which sounds dumb and sentimental, but overtime i grew more and more attached to the fanfic.

i do have at least two new fanfics that i have planned, both Hamliza, though set with different plots and actually more thought out than OAB: however i do not know how long it'll take for these to come out

i want to especially thank those who have been there since near the very start of publishing chapters (you know you are!), you guys really gave me the motivation to keep me going. and those of you who picked it up a little later along the way, i love all of you, too, and i appreciate every single one of you so, so much.

the first chapter (last i checked?) was at 600ish reads, which i find insane.

....update: it's at 900+ reads. what the fuck

i just want to thank you all again for the constant love and support, and i really really appreciate it more than i can express

i hope to only continue giving you guys content and new, fresh books to read that might just be even more enjoyable than this one.

OAB is special to me, and so are all of you, and i promise ill never let its legacy die down. it'll forever hold a special place in my heart.

i do remember there was one chapter i stayed up till almost 6am writing, purely to get it out on time. there was multiple times where id stay up till 4 or 3, but i remember seeing 5;30 on my phone while i was midway through the chapter and going - "oh my god, i really am dedicated to this now, huh?"

....safe to say i got 4 hours of sleep that night, but it was all worth it to see your reactions and the love i got.

if you're interested in seeing work from me that isn't fanfiction, feel free to check out my other account @fetchingangel where I will be writing more personal work! i might also release more hamliza fanfictions on this account, too, so if you're ever interested in my writing again, please feel free to follow me here as well!

okay im only going to continue repeating myself here, so im going to end this note now. I can't thank you all enough for everything that you've given to both me and this book, it means the absolute world.

i hope to only keep making new fanfics that amaze you!

thank you to everyone, i love you all

sincerely, the author <3

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