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' WHAT'S   UP  ,

Eddie, five and Luther were the first to arrive at Elliot's apartment, silence sitting between them as both brewed quietly. The world began to spin for a moment, and Eddie stopped in front of a pillar, letting out a sigh as she rested her head against it gently. Eddie turned around and let herself slide down it, falling into a sitting position. She dropped her head against the pillar as she reached up to massage it. Neither brother took any notice of their sister as she adjusted her legs, bringing them into a crossed position.

She pushed open her jacket and pulled out a bag filled with vibrant coloured chemicals. She unwound a wire and let out a soft breath before pulling up her sleeve and pulling the syringe, causing the liquid to fill the container. She looked at her arm and closed her eyes briefly before inserting the needle. A speckle of blood began to pool delicately in the crevice created before she pushed down the piston, letting the chemicals enter her bloodstream. She let out a low groan as she collapsed against the pillar, closing her eyes.

She felt a presence to her side, and she let her head loll in the direction, her eyes fluttering open as she stared at the ground. 'What's up, buttercup?' she questioned softly, her arm pulling to cradle against her chest.

Five let out a sigh, staring at his hands. 'What did I say?'

Eddie's lips twitched as she raised an eyebrow. 'Why does it matter?' Their voices were quiet and calmed the tranquillity of the room. 'I think I overreacted,' she continued after a moment as her eyes flickered over the area.

'What do you mean?'

'I think I overreact a lot,' she paused as she adjusted, shifting to pull her legs to her chest. 'It's just hard to differentiate and measure my reactions.' Five did not reply, so she continued. 'I just get so overwhelmed with emotions, or sometimes emptiness, that I can't pick out the right one to act on.'

'What did I say?' Five repeated, his tone absent and full of tiredness. She looked towards him, her eyes flickering over his figure. His legs flopped out in front of him, and his slightly frizzy hair fell over his eyes.

'I told you, Five, I overreacted, it doesn't matter.'

'It does matter, Lyn. I know you didn't. You never overreact 'cause you never let it get to the point.'

A smile pulled at the edges of her features. 'If only you knew, dearest. I know how your mind works, Five. You create this indifferent, harsh exterior when you're really a sensitive child who had to grow up before he was ready. I see it in you, and I see it in the others. And even now, when you have a chance of being a child once again, you're forced to relive it. Where you're constantly thinking of how to survive, looking over your shoulder and your mind's flickering over backup plans for your back-ups. So no, I will not tell you, my dear, because you already have enough to worry about,' she replied softly as the doors opened, the other siblings entering the room, all with varying looks of somberness.

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