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' WELL ,   HELLO   

In the back of a car was a figure with green eyes, which tracked the matching scenery that flew past. They pulled off the fedora hat that sat on their head and ran their fingers through their cropped curly hair. Replacing the hat, they adjusted the flower-decorated tie fastened around their neck when the vehicle's wheels crunched over gravel, signalling their arrival.

Their gaze flickered over the large house and countless fancy cars with matching fancy people mulling about. The automobile stopped, and someone opened their door. Grasping a cane in one hand and stepping out of the vehicle, they used the other to pull their grey tweed blazer tighter around their torso. Then, between steps, they tugged the up-turned helms of their matching trousers down their legs.

With a nod at the valet, they circled the car and moved towards the entrance while swinging their cane by their side. Out of the corner of their eye, they spied a boy dressed in a familiar-looking attire. They ran their tongue over their teeth before tipping their hat and continuing their journey into the building.

After ascending the stairs, they meandered down a corridor before hooking their cane around the doorknob and pushing open a door.

"Mr Halen, you're late," came a gruff scold, and the figure with the fedora pursed his lips while glancing down at his watch.

"Yes, I suppose I am," Mr Halen replied. "Doesn't time fly when you're having fun, eh?" He unbuttoned his blazer, leant his cane against the wall behind the designated chair and dropped into a chair. "Don't let me deter you. I'll catch up."

The man cleared his throat before nodding. "The president is continuing to make inquiries into Roswell and other crash sites, gentlemen. And as you know, we cannot allow him to get his nose into our business. I've confirmed the motorcade will indeed be turning left off Elm Street. We'll have our people in place."

A noise - as quiet as it was - blurted from a wooden wardrobe. The tension within the room gave an abdominal growl, taking no prisoners. Mr Halen's eyes landed on Hargreeves as he rose, grasping his cane and stalking towards a cupboard. The men waited in silence, holding their breath.

He stabbed it through the wood, but it was empty.

"Were you followed?" one of the men growled, turning on the man with the fedora.

He raised an eyebrow whilst his eyes remained on the table. "They'd have to be able to teleport if that was the case."

"Regroup," one commanded, and the men dispersed.

Mr Halen rose, staring at the cabinet while taking his stick from Hargreeves. With a tip of his hat, he returned to the door he entered through and used his cane to open it. A loud clatter resonated, and he yanked it open as two men with blond hair attacked a man whom he immediately recognised as Diego.

He leapt forward, adjusting his grip on his walking stick and smacking it across his head. He stumbled away as Diego tumbled behind Mr Halen. With a quick adjustment of his fedora, he shifted when another man approached his other side.

Both charged simultaneously, but Mr Halen ducked under one arm, jabbing his stick into his back and kicking him across his face. While hooking his cane around the other's arm, his eyes turned a vibrant green under the hat brim, and the metal seared with heat. The man released a hiss of pain before Mr Halen released the grip and ran the stick through his fist as if to clean it of something. Then, opening his palm, he blew like there was some variation of fairy dust inside. Instead, electricity burst from it and struck the man in the chest.

He pursed his lips as the other went for him once again. A surge of energy exploded from Mr Halen, catapulting him against the wall. Simultaneously, Five threw his opponent out of a window.

The room went silent in the aftermath of the fight, and the man removed his fedora and pushed his hair out of his face.

A smirk formed on Eddie's face as she threw her stick into the air to change her grip, and she tapped it onto the ground between her feet, leaning on it. "Well, hello there, boys."

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