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Eddie knocked on a door, shifting to put more of her weight on the walking stick. She glanced behind her, running her tongue over her teeth. The door opened, and Sloane smiled at her.

"Hey," the Sparrow greeted.

"So, uh, the boys are downstairs doing whatever males do at a bachelor's party and-" Eddie pulled out a few cans of beer from under a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

Sloane's smile widened. "I would love that, although I do have to finish my dress."

Eddie gasped. "Oh! You're making it yourself? I can offer an extra pair of hands. I used to crochet and knit back in the day."

"Back in the day?" Sloane repeated, opening the door further and helping Eddie into a chair.

"Well, before the world ended for the first time. Oh, and I invited Lila, if you don't mind."

"No, I really appreciate this, Eddie."

She shrugged, opening her can of beer and taking a long gulp. "Don't mention it, dear."

Sloane sat back down, picked up her dress and began to explain her thought processes and what she had done so far. They decided on a net-like shawl, and Eddie began to crochet one as Sloane sowed the last few things together.

A knock on the door came, and Sloane beckoned for Lila to come in.

"Ready to get shitfaced?" she greeted, a grin on her features.

"As long as you're prepared to catch up," Eddie replied. "You're already two beers behind."

Lila shrugged before sitting on the bed. "Eh, we'll I'm not too much in the mood for alcohol really."

Sloane and Eddie glance but they didn't comment.

Lila looked between them. "So I guess Allison isn't coming?"

Eddie gave her a look as if to say, "did you expect anything else?" before she shook her head.

Sloane shifted. "Was she always like that?"

"She was always... a bit brittle," Eddie responded. "Sometimes she would be laughing at a joke, and the next she would get upset by it, but we would always forgive and forget, right? This... this prolonged argument isn't normal for us."

The others hummed in agreement.

"I understand where she's coming from," Lila added, shifting to lay down across the bed, and Sloane made a noise of agreement.

"So do I. No one's to blame, and everyone's to blame, you know?" Eddie sighed. "But she's so stubborn that she won't let herself see anything else."

"A lot of my family were like her," Sloane replied. "We clashed a lot, but... siblings fight all the time. It's what we do."

"These guys are feral." Lila sat up. "Sometimes I wonder if Reggie found them in the forest with a pack of dogs or something."

Eddie grinned proudly. "Now, I need to tell you some embarrassing stories of dear old Luther."

"Oh, yes, please!" Sloane gasped, and the trio dissolved into laughter.


Eddie held in a sigh as she stared at herself in the mirror. She didn't realise how long she hadn't seen her reflection, but she knew now why she had avoided it. She lifted a bony hand to her gaunt face, cheekbones protruding. Her grey skin stretched over her skull, and her eyes were sunken, the green of her irises dark with exhaustion.

Her other hand clutched the sink tightly, and she trembled. She watched the tears build in her eyes through the reflection before one fell from her eye and splashed against the marble basin. Releasing a long breath, she bowed her head and closed her eyes.

"Eddie?" Sloane called from outside the bathroom. "Are you okay in there?"

She sniffed before straightening. "Yeah!" she shouted back. "I haven't worn a dress in about three years! It's like tying shoelaces for the first time!"

"Do you want any help?"

"Nah, it's okay. I'll work it out." Eddie picked up the pale green dress and stared at it for a moment. Her eyes found the ribbons of the corset-like back before shaking her head. "Actually, I have no idea. Can you help, please?"

Sloane pushed open the door, giving her a small smile. "'Course, I can."


Eddie stepped out of the elevator with her walking stick, tapping it on the ground for a moment before moving forward. She was steadier on her feet, but her steps were small, and she tested everyone before she took them.

Her eyes flickered down to her dress as she took a moment to catch her breath. It had layers of netting under to make the skirt more voluminous and ended at the middle of her shins. The top ended with straps over her arms, and she was lying if she said she wasn't already cold.

Blowing out a breath, she continued forward.

When she reached the function room, her eyes flickered to Viktor and Allison, who both wore glares. She shook her head before making her way towards them.

"Oi." Her voice made them whip around to face her. "Cut this shit out, alright? This is Luther's fucking day, and if you ruin it with your constant bickering, I swear to God, I'll beat you both so hard you won't remember why you're fighting. Just grit it out for two hours, two hours."

Allison shifted, looking away. "Well, he started it, so-"

"-You literally just started it."

"I don't give a rat's ass who started it!" Eddie shot them both a look. "Two fucking hours."

"Yeah, fine."

She didn't reply, her glare remaining before turning away from them. She caught Luther's eye, and he winked at him.

He moved over to her. "Thank you," he murmured.

"It's no problem," she dismissed easily before placing her hand on his arm. "I'm really happy for you. You deserve this, darling."

Luther grinned and looked away.

"If you happened to want a hug right now, I will accept one."

When Luther looked back, he caught Eddie's gaze. She rested her stick against a chair before stepping into his embrace. Her grip tightened around his waist, burying her head into his chest. Eddie endured it for as long as she could before she pulled away.

"Go on-" Eddie nodded her head towards the entrance. "Your bride awaits."

Luther gasped at Sloane as she approached, Eddie's face forming a smile before she moved over to sit on a chair near the front. She arranged her skirts before crossing one leg over the other and leant into the seat. Five lowered onto a seat next to her and gave her a look.

"I'm excited," she whispered.

Five hummed half-heartedly, glancing at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Dearly beloved," Klaus began, and they both turned their attention to him. "We're gathered here today for a good time, not a long time, so let's have a good time, huh? 'Cause the sun can't shine every day. Can I get an amen?"

"Amen!" Five and Eddie cheered, Lila adding another a second later. The other siblings filtered in with cheers.

"Luther, do you be taking this banging hottie to be your lady?" Klaus continued.

"I do," Luther replied softly, looking fondly at Sloane.

Klaus let out a wistful sigh. "Sloane, do you promise to love and cherish this big, hairy bastard for the next 24 to 48 hours?"

"I'm gonna try," she replied.

"Well, then... I'm sorry. I pronounce you married as shit!" Klaus declared.

Eddie pushed herself to her feet and let out a cheer, arms raising. Five rose too, lifting his arm so she could grab it to steady herself.

"Viva la apocalypse!"

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