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' I'M   ALWAYS   RIGHT . '

Eddie glanced at Ben as they moved through the streets of Dallas. Eddie continued to keep a lookout for Diego who had left in a hurry just before they left. There was a subtleness to Ben's actions, a difference from before. He was more relaxed and uncaring like no one was watching.

'I like your new aesthetic.'

She furrowed her eyebrows as she blinked a few times. 'Yours hasn't really changed,' she replied.

Ben pursed his lips as he shook his head. 'I mean, it's changed a bit,' he tried.

She squinted before shaking her head. 'You were always emo, Ben.' He stopped in his tracks, staring at her as she continued walking. She paused after a moment, looking over her shoulder as she raised her eyebrow. She smirked. 'Are you jealous that you couldn't pull off this if your life depended on it?' She gestured to her red-flowered jacket as she adjusted her collar.

Ben scoffed. 'I could pull it off,' he defended.

'Flowers aren't really your... style?'

Ben's mouth parted as his face flushed with offence before he closed it. 'No, you're right.' He looked to the ground.

Eddie shrugged her shoulders as she smirked. 'But, hey, darling, I'm always right.' Ben looked up and shook his head, trying to hide his smile. He moved forward to catch her up as they continued. Ben, all of a sudden, twitched and stumbled. Eddie stopped as he leaned against a building. She squinted. 'Klaus?'

'Yup.' He let out a groan as he seemed to force something into his head.

'Just hold on until we get there.' She looked down the street, with a grimace. 'Ben, we really need to get going,' she hurried.

He nodded and began forward, his feet not entirely cooperating. Eddie glanced at the street again, hovering on her toes. Ben glanced at her and gave her a nod, beginning forward. They managed to get so far when he convulsed again.

Eddie let out a sigh as she glanced down at her hand. 'Klaus, I'm sorry but...' She lifted her hand as her eyes glowed, a small ball forming in her palm. She lifted it to Ben's head, and his eyes snapped open. Ben jumped on his feet, shaking out his hands.

He furrowed his eyebrows. 'Is this how you always feel?' he questioned, hopping on the spot as he spun in a circle.

Eddie gave a small smile. 'Pretty much, yeah,' she replied. She nodded her head towards their destination. 'We've got to go.'

They began off in a fast walk until they broke out into a run. In the end, Ben began to convulse more violently, but the energy running through him allowed him to plough through. They skidded to a halt before the alleyway, Five and Luther standing there, both with scowls.

'Are we the first ones?'

'What does it look like?' Five snapped.

'All right, dickhead, calm your tits.' Eddie shook her head as she approached. Ben stumbled before Eddie leapt out of the way, moving to stand behind Luther as he emptied his entire stomach onto the alleyway - and, apparently Ben too while Klaus collapsed against the wall and slid down it. Silence filled the area as they stared at Klaus, completely stunned.

Luther broke the awkwardness as he turned around, rubbing his face. 'I can't believe it. I mean, you're here.' He whipped around to face Klaus.

'Well, he had supervision.' Eddie shrugged as she leaned against the wall.

'We've got eight minutes left.' Five shook his head.

'I had the strangest dream,' Klaus managed out.

Eddie smiled. 'Oh no, dear, that wasn't a dream.'

'Where are the others?' Five growled out loudly as he began to pace.

'We've got a minute left,' Luther informed as he smacked a dumpster.

'Thanks for the commentary, Luther, it's not like we've all got watches,' Eddie replied dryly.

'It was a simple task,' Five began quietly. 'A simple task! All we had to do was be here! Didn't have to fight a giant sea monster, no! An army of mutants? Nien! I can't believe this. It was handed to us on a silver platter!' His voice grew to such a fury that Eddie turned away, closing her eyes as she let out a breath. Klaus muttered something, and Five rounded on him.

'Listen to me, you useless puke bag; we just blew our chance to save the world!' His eyes fell to the briefcase before he grumbled, picking it up and launching it into the air.

Eddie let out a helpless sigh as she stood in the middle of chaos. Five began to unleash his anger on the dumpster as Luther began to pace while Klaus muttered to himself. She ran her tongue over her teeth as she closed her eyes for a moment.

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