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Eddie rushed to Allison's side as Luther laid her on the table, mouth parting with confusion, shock and worry. Her eyes fluttered over her body, lingering on the sharp slit of her throat and waved a hand at Luther as he went to speak. The others had gathered around her, and they could see the cogs spinning in her head.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx," Hermes' voice filtered through the speakers.

"Luther, bring over that machine. Quickly." Eddie adjusted the metal circlet on her head, turning to unplug the wire from the computer and moving to the claw-like machine in the corner of the room. Luther dragged it over to the bench beside Allison.

Grace had already moved into action, pressing down a cloth onto Allison's wound to try and stem the bleeding. Eddie cracked her neck before closing her eyes. The claw-like appendage of the machine moved before splitting into two. Pogo began to set up a sterile environment in the vault on the other side of the glass.

"Hermes, sterile action three," Eddie commanded.

Pogo and Grace wheeled her into the room before he left. Eddie glanced at the others as Hermes turned the wheel and locked Allison inside with the robot and Eddie's machine.

Mist ejected from the ceiling, and the redhead approached the glass before looking expectantly at the others. "She needs blood. Now."

"I'll do it." Luther pushed his way towards her.

"I'm afraid that's impossible," Hermes denied.

"Your blood is more compatible with Pogo's," Eddie continued, running her tongue over her teeth before closing her eyes. The metal claw appendages moved, putting a sheet over Allison's face and adjusting the surgical equipment.

"What is going on in there?" Diego furrowed his eyebrows. "Eddie, is that you?"

"Shut up. Blood now."

"Hey, don't sweat it. I-I got this, big guy." Klaus stepped forward, patting Luther's arm. "I love needles."

"Your blood is..." Hermes paused.

"Has too many drugs in it," Eddie finished. 

Grace pressed harsher against the wound as the blood began to seep through, coating her fingers. 

Her eyes opened, and she side-eyed Diego quickly. "Come on, step it up, pussy-o."

Diego took a stride forward but collapsed as Pogo uncapped the needle.

"For fuck's sake." The redhead's eyebrows furrowed in concentration before holding her arm to Pogo. Inside the vault, the appendage began to move, picking up the instruments and working on Allison's wound.

He approached apprehensively. "Are you sure that's wise-"

"-Just do it," she snapped. Eddie winced, not from the syringe but rather the touch of Pogo's fingers.

The room turned cold, the lights slightly dimming as blood began to shift through a tube attached, and she fell heavily into a chair. Luther and Klaus glanced at each other when Eddie's glowing eyes reflected in the glass of the vault.

"Hermes put up her vitals." Exhaling heavily, the redhead closed her eyes and began to work, her body still trembling.


When Eddie had finished, the room was empty, aside from Pogo and Luther. The ape stood beside her, watching Allison's vitals while her brother sat at the back, worry clear set in his eyes. The redhead slumped, her head bowing and eyes squeezing shut with a heavy exhale.

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