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' DON'T   THINK   I'VE  

Eddie sat on the counter, her feet swinging, as Five moved to the front of the room, pacing while he spoke. 'First of all, I want to say I'm sorry. I know I really-' Five paused, turning to face Eddie, '-I know we really screwed the pooch on the whole travelling-back-in-time-and-getting-stuck-thing.'

Eddie cleared her throat. 'In my defence, I was the horse, not the rider.'

Five blinked a few times. 'That was a shit analogy.'

'Thank you.'

Five sighed, turning back to the others. 'But the real kicker here is that we brought the end of the world back with us.'

'Oh my God, again?' Klaus sounded exasperated, but he furrowed his eyebrows at the others for a moment as they did not react. 'You all knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the world-' he cut himself off as he flopped on the sofa. 'Five!' he stressed. 'My cult is going to be so pissed! I said we had until twenty-nineteen until the world ended!'

Eddie blinked a few times. 'Well, seeing as creating apocalypses are our speciality, I'm sure we could quickly whip one up without too much trouble.'

Five butted in before the conversation could continue any further. 'We have until Monday.'

'Understandable. If any day, I would have guessed Monday. Shit day, don't think I've ever had a good Monday; 'Get rid of 'em,' I say. Who actually likes a Monday?' Eddie continued, seeming to speak to herself more than the others.

'We have six days.'

'That's a lie!' Eddie exclaimed suddenly. They all turned to face her, their eyebrows raised. 'I actually had a fantastic Monday once, where-'

'Eddie!' Five snapped, and her eyes flickered up to his with innocent confusion. Five faltered slightly before sighing. 'We haven't got time,' he spoke softly.

'Is it Vanya?' Klaus asked.

'Klaus!' Allison scolded.

'What? It's usually Vanya!' Klaus defended.

'In Vanya's defence, the variable you're using is an unreliable one. We need more experiments and scenarios. We haven't got enough data to conclude that Vanya is the cause,' Eddie corrected, and they all blinked for a moment, seeming to have forgotten about their sister's capabilities.

Vanya's eyes flickered between Eddie and the ground before speaking up, her face pale. 'Do you have any leads?' Diego passed Five a brown folder who chucked it onto the table. It opened up to show Hargreeves' face.

'We have one.'

'Holy shit... Is that dad?' Allison asked incredulously.

'Yeah, that's him alright, and he's standing on the grassy knoll,' Diego confirmed.

'In dad's defence, I really don't see why they'd send one of our own down there. I mean anyone who's read the newspaper knows about us. It would be made too obvious. Not that they could arrest us for plotting murder.'

'Wait a minute.' Luther held up his hands. 'There's a lot we need to unpack about that. What?'

'I'll explain later, ain't no time.'

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