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Eddie blinked slowly, eyes adjusting to the darkness as the door creaked open. Her head pounded, seeming like her brain was trying to break free of her skull. A shallow breath escaped her, and she pulled the covers tighter.

Klaus moved as quietly as he could, and the lick of light from the open door revealed his grimace due to his unsuccess.

The corners of Eddie's lips rose slightly. "It's okay, Klaus," she whispered. "I'm awake."

Klaus froze before giving her an apologetic smile. "Sorry," he replied in the same tone, closing the door behind him. He stared at her for a moment before placing a hand on his chest and sighing. "Gosh, don't you look so cute and warm under all those blankets?"

Eddie's eyes crinkled from the smile hidden by the duvet. "It's really cold."

He gasped and rushed towards her, placing the back of his palm against her forehead. "Eddie!" he exclaimed. "You're burning up!"

If she had concentrated on it, she would have winced at the loudness of his voice, that and the fact he touched her. But what threw her off course was that she didn't react to his touch. Her chest didn't compress, and her breath didn't hitch. Confusion pulled at her before her hand moved from the cluster of covers and grabbed his.

Klaus stared down at their linked hands, the corners of his lips rising before his eyes flickered back to Eddie's. Her face was emotionless for a moment, but a small smile soon replaced it. He returned it and placed a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Eddie nodded silently at the same time as a tear dropped from her eye. "Yeah," she whispered. "Just a little tired." Her grip on his hand tightened. "You're really warm."

They stared at each other for a moment before he released his grip and rose to his feet, shooing her. "Okay, move over. I'm going to share it with you."


"Move up. Let me in. I want to cuddle."

"Cuddle?" she repeated. "I- now- what?"

He faltered for a brief moment. "We don't have to,"

Eddie shifted before shaking her head. "No, I, uh, I think I want to."

Klaus pulled away the duvet, and Eddie gasped at the sudden coldness before he jumped in beside her and covered them with the covers again. She was rigid with clenched teeth as she adjusted slowly.

"Tell me when you get uncomfortable," he murmured.

She allowed herself to sink into the mattress again, resting her head against Klaus' shoulder. "You're really warm," she repeated, eyes immediately drooping again. His arm wrapped around her side, and she fell asleep, surrounded by the warmth of her brother.

When Eddie awoke again, she found herself curled around Klaus. She blinked life into her eyes and shifted slightly.

"Welcome back, sleepy head," Klaus greeted quietly.

"Sorry," she whispered, sitting up and stretching. This whole situation was very confusing for her. Never had she felt so calm being so close to someone. Maybe she should have blamed the sleeping tablets the hospital provided.

"Hey, what do you say we get outta here, huh?" Klaus remained sprawled out, and Eddie shifted to sit crossed-legged, taking the covers off of him and wrapping them around her shoulders. "Take a little... road trip."

"What brought this on?"

Klaus sighed wistfully. "I'm talking about a sojourn to the countryside. You and me, the wind in our hair. Thelma and Louise on the open road."


"Holding hands," he continued, ignoring her completely lost expression. "Living our best life, my little cherub!" He sat up, grabbed her check and squished it. His voice suddenly became serious. "Not that you'd know because you got the luxury girls' room, but I nearly died from Luther's sleep farts last night. We need to get out of here, get some fresh air!"

Eddie's head suddenly whipped to the door. "Lobsters."

"Exactly- what?"

"Lobsters." Eddie threw the covers off of her and quickly pulled on her shoes before bolting to the door and racing to the elevator. She hurriedly pressed the button, and Klaus only just stumbled in before the doors shut.

When the elevator reached the ground floor, Eddie burst into the foyer. Cutting up Five, he let out an insult of protest.

"Lobsters!" she shouted as if it would excuse her. She skidded to a halt before the lobster tank and pressed her hands against the glass.

Klaus stopped behind her, wheezing, and Five followed briefly after.

"What is going on?" he asked.

"Lobsters were gone. I knew something had changed last night. Three lobsters, looked away, looked back, gone. No lobsters." She turned to face them. "Lobsters."

"Yeah, well, you know, maybe Chet blended 'em into a morning smoothie," Klaus answered.

Eddie looked back at the tank. "Lobsters," she repeated.

"If you say lobster one more time-"

"-Oh Five!" Klaus suddenly exclaimed, grabbing his shoulders excitedly. "You're retired! Come on a sojourn with us!"


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