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Five had reappeared with leads on the apocalypse, and he, Diego and Allison dragged Eddie along to find the identity of Harold Jenkins. She leaned against the car window as her eyes flickered over the busy streets, and her hands laid carefully in her lap, the dull ache worsening her mood alongside the boredom.

"How long do we have to wait here for?" she huffed.

"Shut up, Eddie," Diego scolded - the seventh repetition of the phrase in ten minutes began to wear down his patience. " I know this Jenkins dude has to have a record. I just have to get my hands on the file."

"And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it?" Allison asked incredulously.

"Ooh," Eddie straightened in her seat. "I took him for more of a tango guy."

"Nah." Five shook his head, shifting in the front seat. "He's a swing boy."

"I am not!" Diego's voice dripped with offence. "I have you know I got a mean rumba up my sleeve."

"Whatever!" Allison raised her voice to return the attention. "I think there are more pressing matters than what Diego's favourite ballroom dance is."

They all cleared their throats while Eddie sighed as Diego adjusted his collar. "I know the station like the back of my hand, sis. I've spent a lot of time inside. Here's the plan."

"Plan?" Five repeated. "I'm just gonna blink in and get the file."

"No, you don't know the ins and outs of the place, okay?" Diego argued.

He sighed. "I literally did this yesterday... My yesterday, not your yesterday." Five glanced at Eddie warily through the rearview mirror, his eyes flashing with concern briefly.

Eddie whistled, her eyes closed in annoyance. "I think you're all forgetting a lovely little A.I by the name of Hermes."

"Listen to me." Diego turned in his seat, facing both Five and Eddie. "You are not going in there. We need a paper copy anyway. I made a call. That's what a leader does. He leads." Diego opened the door, leaving no room for argument.

Silence filled the car before Eddie sank into her chair with a huff. "Paper copy, my ass. Ever heard of a printer, bonehead?"


The siblings trudged through the mud, Eddie trailing behind them, her eyes fluttering over the house and surrounding areas.

"Be careful, okay?" Allison looked pointedly at them all. "We don't know what Peabody's capable of."

"Yeah, he didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him," Diego argued. "Looked kinda scrawny."

"I told him I'd remove all his DNA," Eddie added.

"Yeah, well, so are most serial killers and murderers. I mean, look at him." Allison nodded her head at Five as he caught up with them.

Diego glanced at Five before shrugging in agreement. "Good point. So, what's this guy want with Vanya?"

"I dunno." Eddie tilted her head at the door. "How about we could ask him after we kill him?"

Five pursed his lips with a nod as if to say, "That works for me," before spatial jumping into the house as Allison had snuck off around the back. Diego rolled his shoulders before launching himself through the window of the door. Eddie opened her mouth to question him, but he had already set off, and she stared in bewilderment.

Slowly, she ascended the stairs and stared down at the handle. Her eyes glowed, and a sudden jolt of energy sent the handle opening.

"Very inconspicuous," Eddie commented, kicking it closed behind her as Diego stumbled to stand.

"Yeah, well, my way works just fine." He then looked around at the siblings. "Spread out. Yell if you, uh... you know, you're in trouble."

They watched him walk away, and Five looked at his sisters. "Ah, inspiring leadership."

"One of the greats," Allison added.

"Let's get this over with," Eddie grumbled before splitting from the others. Her eyes danced over the house as she inspected various stains and pictures with a tilted head.

Footsteps sounded behind her, and Five joined her side. "So when were you gonna tell me? Or us, for that matter?"

Eddie's face remained impassive. "You'll have to be more specific," she replied, moving to pick up a teapot but stopping when the contact caused her fingers to burn.

"You have a brain tumour."

Eddie didn't reply immediately, giving Five a short side-eye before sighing. "I suppose it's the same reason why you haven't told anyone about the bullet wound," she responded, turning to face him.

He let out a frustrated sigh.

A quiet hum escaped her before she turned away to continue looking around the room. "How did you work it out?" she questioned offhandedly.

"You died, dropped down in front of them, gone."

"Guys, you need to see this!"

They glanced at each other before Five led the way to the attic, Eddie following closely at his heels. She wasn't sure what to make it out as first, spinning in a circle to take everything in.

Eddie whistled and approached the cabinet to inspect the burnt-off faces of the Umbrella Academy merchandise. "He definitely used a soldering iron for this."

Allison turned to face them all. "This was never about Vanya. This was about us."

Five exhaled sharply, causing the others to look towards him. Before anyone could move to break his fall, he stumbled and collapsed in a heap. Eddie's eyes widened, and she retreated quickly as Diego and Allison dropped to their knees at his sides, and Allison pulled up his shirt and jumper.

"Jesus, Five. Why didn't you say anything?" Diego asked with annoyance and worry in his tone.

"You have to keep going, so close..." Five managed out before his eyes fluttered shut.

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