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Adoras Pov
Me and Catra stayed on that rooftop for a while talking about what we just heard. We made a plan that she would take on Shadow Weaver and Hordak to stop the gas while I deal with the Horde in the city. She also suggested we get help from our friends by letting them use some of the technology. I don't like the plan but it's the best we have right now. After some more time on the roof I suggested we go to sleep and she agreed. We both jumped off of the rooftop and split into two diffrent directions. It was only a couple minute swing before I arrived at my house. I open the door and walk in. The house feels empty and sad as always since Mom died. I go upstairs to check on Glimmer to see she's already sleeping. 'I'll just tell her the plan tomorrow',  I think to myself. I walk to my room and start getting ready for bed after changing I hop into bed. I start to settle down until I hear a ding come from my phone. I reach to grab my phone seeing a text from Catra saying to bring Bow and Glimmer early tomorrow at school to discuss the plan and she'll bring Scorpia and Entrapta. I respond saying a sure goodnight and put my phone down. I roll over to the other side of my bed and try to go to sleep. Slowly but surely I start to drift off until I'm asleep.
                                        Catras Pov
                                 RING RING RING
I turn my alarm off quickly and jump out of bed. I couldn't sleep much last night I was just still thinking about the plan. I hate having to ask our friends for help and putting their lives at stake but at the same time it's the only choice to keep as many civilians safe . I walk out of my room and head down the hall until I'm at Scorpias room. I knock twice but there's no answer so I open the door.
   "Hey Scorps wake up"
     "Yeah come on we're leaving early today"
She gets out of bed all cheery and I roll my eyes at her. 'I don't understand why she can be so cheery this early'. I make my way into my room and quickly change then make my way to the bathroom. After I'm finished in there I rush downstairs to see Scorpia already by the door. We start walking to school in silence and I know she can tell I'm tense.
    "Hey what's this about Wildcat you're kinda worrying me"
    "You'll see when we get there"
      "Oh ok"
She stays silent for the rest of the walk until we arrive at school. I see Adora and her friends by the front door and she greets me.
   "Hey Catra"
   "So where's Entrapta"
    "She's in the science lab come on"
I grab her hand making her face turn a crimson red and start dragging her to the science lab with our friends in toe. We arrive and see Entrapta tinkering with some piece of  metal until she notices us.
    "Oh hello Catra ,why exactly are Adora and her friends here"
      "Oh yeah Scorpia and Entrapta , Adora  is the other Spider person"
       "That makes sense ooo can I make her a suit"
Bows face lit up at the thought of making a suit and he started talking to Entrapta about making a suit together.  They've been ranting about this for too long so I decided to interrupt them.
    "That's cool and everything but y'all can be geeks later we have something important to talk about"
Everyone's attention is now on Adora and I and we start to explain the plan. Once finished explaining I realize I'm still holding Adoras hand and I blush before letting go. Adora looks a little hurt by that for some reason but I decide to ignore it. I was about to ask if anyone had any questions until Sparkles spoke up.
    "So you want us to risk our lives to help beat the Horde"
     "Yeah pretty much"
     "Ok count me in"
I smile at her and she smiles back. 'Now all we need to figure out is if anyone of  them has a special thing we can make to make sure they aren't completely defenseless and useless.
    "Do any of you have a self defense talent by any chance , I was already planning on Entrapta making web bombs for y'all to throw and bullet proof clothes but I think y'all will need more defense so you idiots don't die"
     "I'm a skilled archer"
       "Really your name is Bow and you're a archer"
'Maybe some special bow and arrows'. Bow and Entrapta are pretty smart as much as I hate to say it but they could probably make something.
    "Anyone else"
      "I used to play softball so maybe some throwable weapons"
       "Okay Sparkles , Entrapta Bow do you  think you could make this much stuff in this short period"
      "If we teamed up definitely"
We all hear the bell ring and say our goodbyes to each other.  People start coming into the classroom so me and Adora head to our seat. 'Next Monday this all ends next Monday'.

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