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                                     Adoras Pov
                                BEEP BEEP BEEP
I barely got any sleep last night everytime I closed my eyes I saw that lady who attacked us. 'I can't imagine what Spider-girl is going through since the lady knows her identity', I think to myself.I push my thoughts away and get out of bed. I put on some old blue jeans and a gray sweater with some converse before heading downstairs. I see Glimmer in the kitchen making eggs.
  "Hey Glim do you think you can make me some"
  "Yea sure"
  "Bows gonna be here in a little bit to pick us up right"
  "Yeah he should"
Glimmer finishes making the eggs and sets them on the table. We're eating until there's a knock on the door.
We hear the door open and then close and foot steps getting close to the kitchen. 'That's weird it sounds like three people are here' , I think to myself.
  "Hey guys I hope you don't mind but I saw these two walking and picked them up"
Glimmer and I look over to see Scorpia and Catra and I almost choke on my eggs.
  "Oh no Bow it's fine"
Glimmer glares at Bow for a while before going back to eating her eggs. Hopefully Catra can brighten my mood like she always does.
  "Hey Adora"
Catra takes the chair next to me and sits down,but somethings off she doesn't seem like her normal self.
  "Hey are you ok"
  "Yeah I-I'm fine"
I don't believe her but I don't want to push any further.
  "So the project how's it going"
   "Oh yeah the Spider people"
After mentioning the Spider People tears form in her eyes.
  "Hey I'm sorry Adora can you give me a second"
She gets up and starts walking away with Scorpia following behind her. I sit in silence for a while until Glimmer speaks up.
  "Hey since they're out of earshot what happened yesterday did you stop them"
  "No but we know there planning something , but there was also this terrifying lady I've never seen before and even crazier she knows Spider-girls identity"
  "Do you know who the lady is"
  "Spider-girl says her name is Shadow Weaver"
"Isn't that Catras mom"
  "Yeah it is"
  " I know I say this all the time but this is actual evidence if her mom is a super villian , also she almost started crying when you mentioned the Spider people maybe she was upset cause y'all got away yesterday"
  "Adora, Glimmers actually right about this there is evidence that Catra is part of the Horde I'm not saying she is just saying to be catreful"
I was about to speak up when we hear Scorpia and Catra come back.
"Sorry about that I don't know what got into me"
  "It's ok Catra, so are y'all ready for school"
After that we all pile into Bows jeep were a little squished though ,but it's fine. 'Catra still seems pretty upset', I think to myself while staring at her. I lean close to her ear and whisper.
  "I know we aren't really friends but if you need someone to talk to I'm here"
She looks at me and gives me a genuine smile which makes butterflies in my stomach and whispers back
  "Thanks Princess"
My jaw drops ,'Maybe they have the same voice', I think to myself. Looking back there's so much evidence her fighting style in the cafeteria,why she wasn't researching ,her voice sounding similar, and why she freaked out a little ago. 'It can't be her though right'. I don't want to confront her about it I feel like I should wait until more evidence saying it's her shows up.
                                    Catras Pov
We finally arrive at school and I hop out of the car. I'm glad to be out I kept getting weird looks from Adora and glares from that Sparkle girl. I head to first period and sit in my normal seat while waiting I apologize to Entrapta and tell her about last night. I couldn't sleep at all last night so I'm pretty tired. Its all just been to much I still can't believe Shadow Weaver is a super villain I mean don't get me wrong I know she's evil but a super villain. Adora taps me on my shoulder pulling me out of my thoughts then sits next to me.
  "Hey Catra"
  "Hey dummy why are you greeting me I saw you like two minutes ago"
Her face turns bright red which is really cute. She then giggle which fills my stomach with butterflies.
"Oh yeah sorry just a habit"
"Habit, haven't we only been talking to each other for like 3 days"
"Oh yeah hehe sorry"
Ugh that laugh again it's so cute I hate it. Being partners with Adora has made me realize a few things. One, even though we've only been talking for 3 days she's not been a stuck up teachers pet like I thought she's actually pretty nice and chill. Two, she's really really pretty.
  "Ok so let's get researching"
                                    🏳️‍🌈time skip🏳️‍🌈
                                     Adoras Pov
    "So you think Spider-girl might be Catra"
    "Yeah I mean it would make a lot of sense right"
Bow was about to speak up when he was interrupted by Glimmer.
    "I guess some of it makes sense but still Spider-girl is way to cool to be Catra"
    "Glimmer, maybe we could have her sit with us at lunch to get to know her better you know kinda get a feel"
    "Yeah Bow I think that would work"
I start looking around the cafeteria and see Catra heading to her usual table.
'Wow I yelled that super loud'. Everyone's looking at me now oops.
  "Hey Catra do you want to sit with us"
  "Uh sure can Entrapta and Scorpia sit with us though"
She goes and gets her friends then comes back and sits next to me.
  "Hey Adora"
The rest of lunch were just talking and joking around and surprising Glimmer seemed to be enjoying herself too. Catras really funny and her laugh is just perfect it makes me blush every time she does and I have to hide my face.'Wow I'm really falling for this girl I think to myself'.
                                   🏳️‍🌈time skip🏳️‍🌈
                                       Catras Pov
The bell rings signalling the end of school. Scorpia and I start heading back to her house. I'm gonna confront Shadow Weaver I'm terrified but I can'tler her go  I'm Spider-girl it's my job to protect people and having your own parent being the villian isn't good. We arrive earlier then I would like and I head to Scorpias room and put on my suit.
  "Hey Wildcat it'll be fine I promise"
  "Thanks Scorps"
I open her window and leap out. The sensation of swinging starts to calm me down a little bit. I'm swinging for a couple of minute until I arrive at my house. I take my mask off and walk through the door.
  "Shadow Weaver"
  " Hello Catra"
She emerges from the shadows with her phone in hand recording me in my suit. My stomach turns knowing she has proof it's me now.
  "It seems we have a lot to discuss child"

Tale of two spiders (catradora)Where stories live. Discover now