Chapter 27: Shimmering Realities

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Harry ran down the hallways of Saint Mungos towards the room that he was told his godfather was in. He only found out an hour ago that the attack on Diagon Alley occurred. As he was preparing for the class he was about to teach, Fawkes flashed into the room in a rush of fire.

The glorious bird flew about the room singing a song that uplifted Harry while also making him feel warned as if the world may turn upside down. It was then that he noticed the message that the phoenix carried in its talons. Taking the parchment from the bird was easy, since Fawkes let it go as soon as Harry asked.

The message was short and written in an elegant if hasty scrawl that Harry was familiar with slightly, as if he had seen it before.


I write this note in haste and with great sorrow to tell you that Sirius is in Saint Mungo's due to a major attack on Diagon Alley. I am uncertain of the details other than that fact. Even as this message reaches you, I will be in the Ministry dealing with the repercussions.

You have my permission, not that it was required, to leave the castle and handle your affairs with Sirius.

Good Luck,
Albus Dumbledore.

Upon finishing the message, he tossed it to his master, Nicolas, who was grading essays once more. Looking up and reading the message even before it fell to the desk, the man looked to his apprentice. The same apprentice that was rapidly changing the blackboard behind the desk. Gone were the original rules of the event the class was going to be participating in. Instead, a completely new assignment was placed on the board, to create an essay on the positive and negative values of niche magical teachings such as Occlumency, Legilimency, Magical detection and aura based magics. He wrote the required length as being a minimum of 8 inches, and a maximum of 24 inches of parchment, and must cover at least one of the outlined magics as described from their text. Outside resources were permitted so long as main information was gained via the primary text.

Nicolas nodded his head at his apprentice when Harry, moments after making the instructions write themselves onto the board, looked to him. He knew what was being asked, even though no words were being exchanged.

"Go on. Be with your family. I shall ensure that your class does the assignment, then I will join you."

In a flash, the boy was gone, racing down the hallways of Hogwarts. There were few students who knew the castle as well as he, as he bounded through the various secret passages until reaching a certain one-eyed witch statue. He never understood why Nicolas moved from the Defense Against the Dark Arts room to the one he used, but he didn't question it. As the statue slipped out his way with a touch and a whispered word, he bolted down the passage way, allowing it to seal back behind him.

As soon as he felt the magical weight of Hogwart's impressive wards fall away from him he pivoted on his heel and in a crack, apparated.

When Harry finally found Sirius' room, he yanked the door open and rushed in only to be levitated before his second step into the room. Looking around, he spotted a rather attractive Mediwitch pointing her wand at him. She didn't look up from the chart she was reading, instead speaking in a rapid, practiced manner.

"There will not be yelling, rough housing, running or spellcasting in my ward, or around my patients. I spent too much time saving their lives, limbs and in some cases even good looks, to patch them up again." With a flick, Harry was deposited back down on the ground, and the mediwitch finally looked up.

A flash of recognition at Harry's identity before a cool professional demeanor slipped back into place was all that Harry saw before she gestured to the man laying on the bed. "I assume you are here for Sirius Black."

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