Chapter 12: It takes more than one to tango

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Harry groaned as he hid in a secret passage way on the fourth floor of Hogwarts Castle. Ever since the ball was announced six days ago, he has been asked no less than 20 times if he would take so and so to the event. His reaction of course was no, run, and hope it didn't happen. At least until the first year came up and did it. He just didn't answer that.

"You know Harry, hiding isn't the best option here." A voice from behind him made Harry fall through the tapestry that hid the entrance. When he got his baring back, he saw two identical red heads laughing at him.

'gits' Harry thought as he got up. "What do you two want?" He grabbed his bag from the twin that offered it, and slung it over a shoulder.

"Well Harry, we felt it would be kind of us to tell you how to solve your issue." One twin began with the other picking the sentence up flawlessly. "Even though it was hilarious to watch you run from that first year..." The twins laughed as Harry blushed.

The trio of Gryffindors turned a corner to see a group of 7th years pushing a third year around.

"Loony Lovegood." The chants of the seventh years as they pushed the smaller girl around made the three's blood boil. In a flash, three wands pointed at the group, and spells fired.

Four people dropped to the ground, one crying when she hit the flagstones. Harry ran up, and knelt by her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Harry Potter." The big blue eyes of the dirty blond girl met Harry's eyes with a vacant expression.

"You're Luna Lovegood right?" One of the twins asked as he picked through the pockets of one of the unconscious seventh years. Harry didn't even turn his head at the image. Fred and George often made sure that anything interesting was taken out of the hands of bullies. They had to pay for their "research" some way, they claimed.

"Yes, and you are George." The soft voice of the young Ravenclaw shook the twins. Rarely were they ever identified correctly when their brother was around.

"Well, let's get you off the floor." Harry helped her up, after tucking his wand away. Her smile was hesitant but sweet in response to his kindness.

"Thank you. Tell me, why are you in this part of the castle anyway?" Luna asked as she straightened her skirt.

Harry noticed that for the first time in their conversation, Luna blinked. This thought distracted him from answering for a moment. "Umm... I don't really have to attend classes so, I just wander the castle instead?"

Luna tilted her head, looking at Harry as if he believed her to be stupid. This stare continued for several seconds, as the twins silently snickered behind the young teen. Finally, Harry sighed and changed his answer.

"I'm hiding from the people who won't leave me alone about this ball thing."

"Why Harry Potter?" Luna asked as she started to walk down the hall. Harry followed her, not even realizing he was. The twins shared a look before following as well, leaving the formerly conscious bullies lying in a heap in the corridor.

Once Harry caught up to Luna, he answered the question." I don't really want to get attached to anyone. I also really don't want to get attached to someone who only wants to go to the ball with a Chosen. I am more than just the Chosen of Hogwarts, and many of the girls who run up to me asking don't even want to know who I support in Quidditch." Luna nodded as he finished his explaination.

"That sounds terrible Harry. On the Brightside, you could always ask a friend to accompany you to the ball. That seems like a valued solution."

"What friend? I ask Hermione, Ron becomes a git. Although, I don't swing that way, asking out Ron annoys Hermione." Harry points out.

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