Chapter 36: Dominium Magi

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Harry was manipulating eight spells with his fingertips when the knock came. He had asked the other castle occupants to leave him be at breakfast, thus he knew that it had to be important. Even as he continued to attempt to layer protections around the ring he was creating as his masterpiece, he stated it was acceptable to enter.

Cedric walked into Harry's Room as most had started to call it since the young man had started on his masterpiece over a month ago. Covered in scraps of parchment with dozens of diagrams and runic combinations, with vials of various potions and ingredients at home in racks in the corners, it was the circular depression in the center of the floor that interested the former Hufflepuff. In the center of the depression, a thick cushion sat, with his quarry perched upon it. Hovering above him a bright silver ring was flashing with magic as Harry twitched his fingers.

Cedric was an extremely gifted wizard, and highly educated about enchanting materials. Merely watching for a few seconds told him exactly what Harry was attempting; the complete Hornshe Protection Arrangement was an enchantment that was unique in that it was layered and anchored to the piece instead of woven into it as the piece was made. Normally only touched on briefly in seventh year Ancient Runes, as it was inspired by a runic protection found in a tomb in Norway, it was far beyond any student that would study in those hallowed halls. Cedric was certain that of the professors in the castle only four or five would be able to attempt it, let alone achieve it as he was certain Potter did as the ring flashed a dull gold and fell into his waiting palm.

"Is there something you needed Ced?" Harry asked as he looked over his shoulder, the bags under his eyes unhidden by the glamours he normally applied before meals. Cedric noted the tired appearance of his temporary boss, before nodding.

"Yes, I have news from the Auror corps. They have not discovered what was taken, though Scrimgeour suspects that it was primarily Auror rosters, schedules or memos stolen or duplicated."

Harry was silent as he mentally went through what he knew of Hermione. "It would be a duplication. Also, assume all information in the room was duplicated. Hermione is thorough, she wouldn't leave anything that could be useful behind. If she didn't know if it would be, she would take it anyway. What of the casualties? Was it established which group killed the aurors?" Auror Thomas was sadly killed by his injuries in St. Mungo's after the blood clotting curse was dispelled. The mediwizards could not save him from the cutting curse that seemingly worsened by the blood clotting curse.

"The Auror's are unsure. Brutus was too badly charred by his last-ditch effort to identify the magic used to kill him, if any was. Thomas' injuries match with a dark cutting curse that Dolohov used commonly in the previous war, however Dolohov's father learned it from Volksky and Charum, the twins of Grindlewald, and it was common for the Lieutenants to share spells like that. Speaking of the twins, a team of ICW Hunters found, and engaged them while they were scouting an island with what appears to be a team of ten. The twins died in the conflict; however, it does confirm that Grindelwald is active once more." Cedric reported the barest details of the ICW skirmish. He didn't mention that the twins were the only deaths on Grindelwald's side, or that the entire ICW team was killed. Harry wouldn't care, nor did he need to know the information.

Harry nodded his head, as he processed the information. "Any news on Voldemort?"

Cedric shook his head. "Death Eater activity has completely ceased. There hasn't even been an attack on muggles or muggleborns in the last two weeks." The former Hufflepuff leaned against the doorway as Harry proceeded to think. The duo was silent for several minutes before the youngest spoke.

"Voldemort is planning something. Something that if he pulls it off will be disastrous. Have we spoken with Snape?"

Cedric nodded, having met with the Headmaster and the Potion Master before visiting the last Potter. "He is being left out deliberately. Was told that to his face, by the big bad himself. Said that this mission was too critical for any information to make its way to Dumbledore even by accident."

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