Chapter 19: Hell Rising

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Harry stretched as he waited in the gigantic tent that hid the beginning of the Third Task from the eyes of the Chosen. He didn't say a word as Fleur joined his stretching. He only smiled when Viktor started to stretch as well.

As soon as he felt his muscles were loose and warm, Harry stopped his stretching. As the other two Chosen slowly stopped, only then did he speak.

"We ready for this?" Harry's voice was soft, barely heard over the chatter of the crowd that slowly added themselves to the stands.

"As ready as I can be. My body is healed up and my magic is strong. I will win this." Viktor smiled at the youth and the French beauty.

"Hmph, typical male superiority complex. The French will win this day." Fleur flicked her hair over her shoulder, showing the teasing smile she wore to take the sting out of the words.

Harry chuckled and gestured for them to come together. As the two other Chosen approached, they embraced into a huddle.

"This is the last Task... and I want us all to get out alive. Fleur, you got Cedric and your family to go back to. Viktor, you have Fredrick and your life to return to. So, whatever happens in this, I want you to do your best to live." Harry firmly told each of the chosen. "Because I told you when this started, that the crowd won't be screaming your name. It will be chanting Potter." His grin was felt more than seen as the other two Chosen started to laugh.

"Harry Potter, you may only be 14, but you have the guts of a dragon." Viktor spoke as he ruffled Harry's hair.

The three separated as Albus Dumbledore entered the tent flanked by Karkaroff and Madam Maxime. Madam Maxime was arguing softly with Karkaroff, who was holding his left forearm as if it was in pain.

"No Madam, it is fine. An old wound that acts up occasionally, I shall be fine to judge." Igor finally convinced the large French woman as Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"Greetings. As you know, today is May tenth and marks the final task of the Grand Triwizard tournament. I shall show a map of the Run and give you the winning conditions." Albus flicked his wand, and an image of the Hogwarts grounds appeared.

The castle was the first thing the Chosen noticed, as it took up much of the upper left corner of the illusion. The Forest was next as it flanked the sides of the illusion much like a ring, until it reached the cliffs and beaches of the lake. Albus flicked his wand once more and atop the illusion, similar to a map with a path marked, bright red lines started to zig and zag their way from the tent location near the western Tower of the castle, all the way to the point of the cliffs above the lake. Finally, a network of red lines, all leading towards the cliffs, intercepted and mingled with each other creating the lanes that could be run.

"As you can see, this run will be over 3 kilometers. As you are also aware, for the past three weeks the grounds have become home to over 100 different creatures, all of them dangerous. I can tell you only that any beast or creature in the Run can kill you. There is magic involved, beyond that of the creatures. There will be walls of the Goblet's flames blocking the crowd from interfering." The Chosen knew, even though it was unspoken, that the flames were there for another purpose. "The wards of Hogwarts, particularly the anti-apparition wards have been heavily weakened. You can likely apparate short distances. Anything larger than a few meters will likely result in a severe splinching. Once the Run has started, Magic will be allowed between contestants."

The three of them looked to each other, and Harry slowly smiled.

"You are allowed any spell baring the Unforgivables and Fiendfyre. Should you parish, the flames will take you, consume you and use you." Albus met the eyes of each of the chosen before he continued. "The task will only be complete when one of you touch the Goblet of Fire. Once that is complete, the person who touched it will be bestowed the Gift of the Goblet and be declared the winner of the Grand Triwizard Tournament. Any questions?"

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