Chapter 3: Opening the Doors

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Chapter 3

Harry sat in the Great Hall with a smile on his face, and a fork full of eggs on the way to his mouth on the first Monday of the term. It was a beautiful day, according to the ceiling of the Great Hall, with the rain from the Sorting Feast that past Saturday long behind them. Just as his eggs were about to enter his mouth however, the thump of a large tome hitting the table beside him caused him to spill the eggs instead of eat them.

"Gods Harry, you are supposed to eat the eggs not wear them. Evanesco ova." Hermione pointed her wand at the eggs all over Harry's robes and vanished them.

"That was so cool! It didn't even stain!" A short first year with blonde hair exclaimed from the other side of the table. Her friends, a silent boy with short brown hair and an upturned nose nodded, as another girl this one a brunet with glasses exclaimed," What does ova mean?"

"Evanesco is a vanishing spell. Since the eggs were all over Harry's robes, I didn't want to accidently vanish those, so I targeted the eggs with the incantation. That's what ova meant." Hermione smiled at the curious girl.

"Okay, so like, you didn't want Harry to be starkers in the hall, so you just targeted one thing for the spell? Is every spell like that? Do you have to learn the name for everything?!" The blonde clutched her hair at this. It would mean hundreds of hours studying!

"Of course not!" Harry laughed around a bite of toast just as Hermione opened her mouth.

"What are you talking about Harry? You know in 2nd year we are taught that you should target your spells for accuracy! That means you have to say what you are vanishing or summoning or whatever you are doing!" Hermione gave Harry her favored look; the look of I know you know that.

"You are wrong though Hermione. We target not to be accurate but to ensure the magic knows our target. Which can be done via visualization. Look we have Charms first, let's ask Flitwick then. In the meantime, let's teach these firsties some magic." Harry smiled at Hermione in an attempt to deter her knowledge seeking. He couldn't exactly state in the great hall that his Grimoire said that you didn't have to target, but actually think about the object.

"Fine Harry, but we will talk about this later. Alright... what spell should we teach you first years?.." Hermione asked the first years this question.

"Teach 'em lumos Hermione. It's useful, and it won't be something they learn for a bit anyway." Ron said as he sat to the right of Harry and started to pile up food on his plate. "Great! They have kappers this morning. I love the elves"

"The what Ronald?" Hermione leaned across Harry to glare at Ron.

"The lumos spell Hermione. It was the first spell we learned..." Ron questioned the glare.

"Not the spell Ron! The elves comment! What do you mean elves?!"

"House elves Hermione! You think this food made itself? Not even magic can do that!" Ron laughed at the thought of food cooking itself.

"Hogwarts has slaves Ron! That is so wrong! I swear it's like the Magical World is nothing but barbaric-"

"Hermione!" Harry snapped. "Do not make a scene here. You can rant about house elves after breakfast when we aren't supposed to teach these firsties lumos."

"Fine Harry, but know I protest. Now the most important part of lumos is the incantation, which is lumos." Hermione started to tell the First Years about the first piece of magic that they would learn.

"So all we do is say lumos, and hold our wand?" The blonde, whose name was Megan, asked.

"No-" Hermione began.

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