Chapter 5: Choices

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Author Note: Normally I do not open with these as I find them disruptive. However, I felt I needed to explain the delay. This chapter was written over 3 months ago now, but due to my laptop at the time dying, I lost it. This is a chapter made on my new computer, with a backup already made. For those wondering, this story isn't abandoned, nor will it be if all goes to plan. Please enjoy this short chapter, as I work on the next installment. I expect it to be up either Saturday or Sunday.

Let us continue our tale.

Dumbledore shut his eyes as the evil wave of magic washed over him. He knew, much as every person who was knowledgeable in magical sensing that the person whose name was just entered garnered the Goblet's undivided attention. He opened his eyes and sighed as he signed another document, this one a release of Wizengamot records from the summer. His reading of the next in the stack was interrupted by a knock.

"Enter." The old man said as he set his quill down. It was no surprise to see a tall dark cloaked man walk in. A glance at a clock on the left side of the room, surrounded by portraits of his predecessors easily confirmed the man's identity. His potion master always was 8 minutes early to meetings. As Severus settled in for his monthly meeting, Dumbledore prepared himself. He pulled out Snape's file from his locked drawer, and read through the latest entry. Dumbledore, while hands off with the students was a firm believer in a team of educators. It was that reason he insisted on weekly staff meetings, and for monthly meetings between himself and each of the staff. It ensured that he was aware of the happenings inside his own school.

"So Severus, this month we have the usual. You have given your own house a grand total of 300 points this month. A new record I might add. You have also taken 210, 234, and 144 points from Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw respectively." Dumbledore began the meeting with his usual summary of the actions of his teacher based upon what Hogwarts added to the record. After the school issues were dealt with, including the potions supply budget for the next month, Severus stood to leave.

"A moment please Severus. What news do you bring of the Goblet today?" Albus asked as he steepled his hands together.

"Draco Malfoy asked my advice on if he should answer. I told him that he shouldn't be foolish." Snape shortly answered.

"Minerva mentioned that you spoke to Harry as well..." Dumbledore led, expecting an explosion. He was disappointed, pleasantly of course.

"I told that boy that his father, in all his arrogance, would have never entered. If he is chosen Albus, I cannot protect him. I will not." Severus spoke to the door, and Albus thought he saw his shoulders shake slightly.

"He entered didn't he Severus?" Albus asked quietly. He truly did not need to hear the answer, as he already knew as soon as he asked. Of course, Harry did. He was a Potter, the Last of his Line. He would do anything to improve his family's Honor.

"Yes he did headmaster." The muttered answer was lost to the room, each of the residents deep in their thoughts.

"Headmaster, what makes the Cup so evil?" Severus asked Albus after a moment of silence.

"Severus... That story is one that would take me all night to tell. Shortly, the Goblet of Fire has suffered under the weight of evil intent, blood sport tainted elation and twisted joy. This tournament is advertised as a substitute for war, and it is. But it is at its core a blood sport to sooth the savagery that Wizarding race does not wish to acknowledge. While these young Chosen will fight to survive, against a Judge that would prefer if they died, the crowd will cheer, and those listening to the event over the wireless will route for their chosen Champion... all because of that Cup. That Cup is more wicked than Lord Voldemort could ever be Severus... for it is a monster held by three single laws." Dumbledore stood, and for the first time, in front of a subordinate, grabbed a bottle of Firewhiskey from the cupboard that housed the Pensieve and other trinkets. Conjuring a glass, Dumbledore poured a shot and swiftly downed it. "I know what you are thinking young man... Voldemort has no laws. And you are wrong. Voldemort had lines he wouldn't cross simply because they were counter his final plans. If you remember, there was never a Death Eater who lived to perform a sexual assault... nor was there ever an unmitigated slaughter of wizards. Only those that resisted him were at risk of harm... and muggles of course. The Goblet is different. The Goblet only cares for the three laws that bind it completely. It must never endanger lives outside the tournament, it must choose only three champions, and after three tasks, the tournament is over. All other things that do not affect those rules is on the table so to speak."

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