Chapter Eighteen {Ryan's Colorful Language}

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Chapter Eighteen

{Ryan's Colorful Language}

"WHEELCHAIR?" Ryan shouts, her eyes narrowed. Niall covers her ears, sitting beside the wrath of fury.

"You're back is screwed up and your knee shouldn't get weight put on it." The doctor explains. Louis laughs at his actions. He stays far away from Ryan, scared of her killing him. I would be too, Ryan is scary.

All the boys had been examined when it was Ryan's turn. Liam's nose is broken, Louis' pinky finger is broken and Zayn's knuckle is broken. When Liam threw Ryan down is when all of her injuries occurred. The doctor said she should've stayed down. Being Ryan, she didn't.

"I'm fine." Ryan growls, standing up. With a shriek, she sits back down. "Fucking bitch go die in a hole and I'll stick you down a mother fucking well. Gawd fucking damn."

"Evidently you're not." Louis shrugs casually, smirking at his girlfriend. Ryan narrows her eyes at him but Louis doesn't even flinch. Louis' so used to it now.

"I have to fucking meet the Twilight cast in a wheelchair." Ryan grunts, shaking her head. "No action from Boo Boo Stewart or Taylor Lautner or Robert Pattinson..."

"RYAN!" Louis squeals, blushing at how high his voice just went.

"Shut up." Ryan snaps, shaking her head at the boy.

"I love you!" Louis shouts at her and she rolls her eyes.

"Love you too, Lou."


*One Direction*


"Fucking shit. I want out." Ryan groans as Louis pushes her down the hall.

"You won't get better!" Louis argues and Zayn nods.

"I FEEL RETARDED!" Ryan shouts, throwing her bottle of water down the hall. It crashes into a wall and breaks, sending water all over the place.

"I'm not cleaning that up!" We all chorus, throwing our hands in the air.

"So, you're going to make the girl in the wheelchair clean it up?" Ryan snaps. We all roll our eyes, forcing Paul to clean the water mess up. Ryan smirks and Zayn takes the wheelchair, ramming it into the wall. Ryan lets out a yip before flipping off Zayn.

"Zayn!" Louis shouts and Zayn just shakes his head, his black hair all over the place.

Before he answers, he takes a drink out of his water. "She knows I'm teasing her. Gawd, calm your ass."

When we get into the hotel suite, Harry turns the TV on as Katrina sets Texas in his arms. They don't have a lot of bonding time. Katrina is kind of possessive. Liam makes himself comfortable on the couch, most likely texting his whore. Probably going on about how he wants her to come and kiss his nose to make him feel better. And to kiss some other places.

An involuntary shiver runs up my spine, freaking me out.


*One Direction*


"I'm going to tell all of you a story." Ryan smiles, clapping her hands together. After a shit load of complaining, Louis finally moved her to his lap. Surprisingly, she hadn't complained since.

"Oh lord." Katrina mutters under her breath, burying her head into Harry's chest. Niall pulls me closer to him, his arm wrapped loosely around my waist. Liam's in Ryan's wheelchair, his feet propped up on the coffee table. Zayn's sprawled out in the seat beside Ryan and Louis, his head in Ryan's lap.

"Once upon a time..." Ryan's voice trails off as she bites her lip, thinking of what to say. "Once upon a time, there was an asshole of a boy. His name was Louis. Then there was a sexy girl named Maya Ryan but she went by Ryan because Maya makes her sound like a girly girl and she didn't like that. Well, Ryan, being the awesome person she is, made up a list." Ryan's eyes flicker to Louis' face as he bites his lip. Yeah, the list is still a touchy subject. "Anywhore. The list was a bunch of shit and Ryan ended up having feelings for the cute little Doncaster boy. Ryan's bitchy friends had to come ruin her life, telling everyone about the list. It broke Ryan's heart when Louis broke up with her."

"Ryan had to lean on her best friend, Bradford Bad Boi aka Zayn. Then, Katrina comes in, guns blazing, to toss Ryan and the boy's life up. Harry and Katrina fall quickly in love and fuck each other. Being stupid Harry, he doesn't know what a condom is and poor Katrina got pregnant. Meanwhile, Ryan hooked up with a boy that has a hot body named Tom Daley. He was sexy as fuck." Louis cuts off Ryan, slamming his lips to hers. She just rolls her eyes when he turns away, resuming her story. "They broke up though. Ryan still had feelings for Louis, always had. Harry took off. Then, the group's worlds get rocked one more time when another girl comes to the rescue."

"This girl is Liam's childhood sweetheart. First, Liam's girlfriend comes between them. The royal bitch's name was Jessi. Then, Liam and Jenna fuck each other brains out. Jessi and Liam break up, leaving everyone to think that Liam and Jenna would end up dating and live happily ever after. While this is going on, Ryan and Louis get back together. Louis buys Ryan a kitten named BooBear. Shockingly, Liam decides to be an ass and get another fucking girlfriend. This leaves Jenna heartbroken and Liam with a broken nose."

"GREAT JOB!" Zayn claps obnoxiously, making everyone laugh. Soon, we're all hollering and clapping. Except for Liam, who is pouting in the damn wheelchair.

"Whoot! Go Ry!" I shout, clapping my hands together.

"Oh shush." She laughs, shaking her head.

"WE GET TO MEET THE TWILIGHT CAST TOMORROW!" It's like it just dawns on her.

"YEAH BUDDY!" Niall shouts, making everyone laugh. Harry disappears out of the room, coming back in with an armful of beers. Oh, Hazza, only you.

"One for you." Harry hands Niall one.

"One for you." Harry hands Zayn one.

"One for you." Harry hands Ryan one.

"One for you." Harry hands Louis one.

"One for you." Harry hands me one, smiling a little.

"One for you." Harry hands Katrina one.

"None for you." Harry smirks, shaking his head at Liam's awaiting hand. As Harry turns away, he throws the beer over his shoulder and it hits the off guard Liam in the chest.

"What the fuck?" Liam grunts, grabbing the beer before it falls on the floor.

"Bitch deserves it." Harry mutters under his breathe, settling down on the couch. Only you, Harry, only you.

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