Chapter Thirteen {Holy Shit, Wasn't Expecting That}

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Chapter Thirteen

{Holy Shit, Wasn’t Expecting That}

                Ryan Shiloh has thought about committing suicide.

                Strong, nothing gets to her, Ryan Shiloh.

                Beautiful, loving, funny, joking Ryan Shiloh.

                Ryan Shiloh, Louis Tomlinson’s famous, undefeatable, hilarious, easy going, beautiful, loving, strong girl, has thought about committing suicide due to bullying.

                So, being me, I decided to write Ryan a nice little note for when she gets home.

Dear RyRy,

                You’re the coolest friend someone could ever have. I wish I was more like you. For real. Now, I’m gonna give you some little things because I’m bored!

---You’re relationship with Louis is perfect. I wish I had that with someone. Even though you guys broke up for a while, I think you’ve got the best relationship in the whole world.

---You’re an awesome cook. Everyone loves when you cook because it’s fabulous.

---Ry, you’re strong. No one knew about your secret. No one even suspected it.

---You’re perfect in every way possible. You’re undefeatable, hilarious, easy going, beautiful, loving, strong, skinny, dare devil, you’ll do everything that anyone asks you. You’ll eat everything that anyone asks you.

---I could go on and on and on, but I’m too lazy!




*One Direction*


                “JENNA!” Someone shouts, waking me up. “JENNA KINGSLEY, WHERE ARE YOU?” The door opens and then someone snorts.

                “Thank gawd you didn’t wake her.” Someone mutters, making me smile to myself.

                “Yeah, yeah, shut up.” The other voice responds, and with a patter of footsteps, leaves the room.

                “Jenna, I know you’re awake.” The second voice whispers and the bed dips. I open my eyes slightly, revealing Liam.              

                His clothes are a tangled mess and his eyes are bright red. He looks sick and I feel bad for him. I hold a hand out to him and he grabs it, pulling me close to him. His wraps wrap around me and I smile. This, this is home. This is somewhere I want to spend the rest of my life. But, there’s one problem.

                It will never happen.


*One Direction*


                “So, we’re going to have a girl’s day for the next two days. The boys are going off to do concerts and signings by themselves. Leaving the four of us; Katrina, Texas, you and I. We need to go shopping first. Then, we can just hang out.” Ryan smiles, leaning forward as her arms are crossed on the table. Louis laughs, wrapping an arm around her waist.

                “Are you not going to miss me?” Louis narrows his eyes at Ryan. Ryan’s face goes serious as she looks him in the eyes.

                “No, I’m not.”

                “Lies!” Louis snaps, shaking her head.

                “Let’s watch Water for Elephants!” Katrina chirps from the side of the table, Texas in her arms. I nod, going into the other room. Fishing through various boxes of videos, I finally find it. Sticking the movie into the DVD player, I turn the TV on and flop onto the couch. It starts playing and everyone flows into the room.

                “ROBERT PATTINSON, YOU’RE SO HOT.” Ryan squeals at the TV and Louis looks at her weirdly out of the corner of his eye. Aw, is someone a little jealous?

                “I love his accent.” I gush, leaning against Liam’s side.

                “Get in my bed. Now dude.” Ryan laughs out and Louis’ face hardens, making me let out a laugh.

                “Ryan, you may want to shut up if you want to ever have action in your bed again.” Zayn warns and Ryan blushes, looking over at her boyfriend.

                “I love you.” Ryan sighs, putting her hand on Louis’ hand. He nods, not saying anything back. Oh gawd, yet another fight.

                Finally, after five minutes, Louis finally replies.

                “I love you too.”

                “WHY ARE THEY TOGETHER? HE’S LIKE NINETY!” Katrina shouts, coming back into the room after putting Texas to bed.

                “Calm your tits.” Ryan barks, making everyone laugh together.

                “IF I WERE YOUR BOYFRIEND, I’D NEVER LET YOU GO.” Zayn screams out, making us all jump.

                “Maybe it’s time for us to go to bed.” I volunteer, looking around at the loony people.

                “I agree.” Ryan yawns, stretching out.









 Sorry for not updating yesterday, lost track of time yesterday

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