Chapter Fifteen {Girl's Day: Day Two}

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Chapter Fifteen

{Girl’s Day: Day Two}

                “We’re going to do a couple of concerts in America while we’re there. Because Management is major assholes and they don’t get the point of being on break. So, we’re going to be in America for a month.” Louis explains, the other boys surrounding him.

                “We have to do a Twitcam in a little and so do you guys. Mandatory.” Liam rolls his eyes.

                “I hate them.” Niall mutters quietly, shaking his head.

                “We have to go. We’ll talk to you later. Bye.” Zayn sighs, waving his hand and disappearing from the camera.

                “Love you Ryan.” Louis smiles, being cheesy and blowing a kiss to Ryan. Liam says bye also and all that is left is Harry.

                “Can we have a moment to ourselves?” Harry asks Ryan and I. We nod, scurrying off to our own rooms.


*One Direction*


                Ten suitcases surround me. Yes, ten. I’m going to be gone for a month; you never know what may happen. I haul the suitcases into the living room, two at a time. After taking the five trips, I crash onto the couch after hitting my knee. I groan, muttering out a long line of profanities. Ryan walks in, laptop in hand and smirks. Katrina’s trailing behind, Texas asleep in her arms.

                “Twitcam time, ladies. Stop the cussing, Jenna.” Ryan laughs, sitting the laptop on the coffee table and situating herself on the couch. Katrina goes on one side and I go on the other while Ryan turns the laptop on and gets Twitcam ready, sending out a tweet.

                “Hello, Directioners. We’re here today because Management thinks that we should start doing a regular Twitcam. Just Jenna, Katrina and I. The boys are doing a Twitcam later on and then heading home. Woot, baby! I miss my BooBear.” Ryan rambles on, looking at Texas who is blowing spit bubbles.

                “Tex, that’s charming.” I mutter to the baby and her eyes flutter open. She doesn’t scream or cry though; she looks at the laptop in fascination.

                “So, oi, let’s introduce ourselves.” Ryan sighs, rubbing the back of her neck. “I’m Ryan Shiloh, MadHatterBabe on Twitter.”

                “I’m Katrina Bell, SingForLife on Twitter. And this is,” Katrina states, pointing to Texas, “Texas Bell Styles but she doesn’t have a Twitter, she’s too young.”

                “I’m Jenna Kingsley. JennaWasHere on Twitter.”

                “I’m dating Louis Tomlinson.”

                “I’m dating Harry Styles.”

                “I’m dating nobody.”

                Looking around the house, I groan. Most of the house is in boxes, making the exception of Simon’s valuables. Most of the boxes are Ryan, Katrina and Texas’. That’s pretty bad, isn’t it? BooBear is lounging atop of one of the many boxes, purring loudly. Poor neglected little kitten. Ha, with his diamond collar and all.


*One Direction*







                The boys had finally arrived. Dinner is already ready for them. Being the spectacular cook she is, Ryan made Salisbury steak with mushrooms and egg noodles. For dessert, she had fixed smores pudding parfait. And a whole lot of it.

                When they come into the kitchen, Liam’s the first person I see. He’s acting different though, and that alerts me. Liam’s more cautious, not making eye contact with everyone. He pulls his phone out of his pocket every few seconds, checking it. For the time? For a message? For a call? Oh gawd, what’s up your sleeve Liam Payne?

                “FOOD! MY FOOD, BITCHES, MINE!” Niall growls, throwing himself down into a seat. We knew he would pick that seat-it has the most food just for our little Nialler.

                “How was it?” I ask, looking at the boys who are all stuffing their mouths with food. Liam’s still checking his phone every few seconds, in between mouthfuls of food.

                “Fine.” Zayn manages to mutter out before stuffing another forkful of food into his mouth. Pigs.

                “Katrina’s on her period.” Ryan shouts. Now that gets the boys attention. All five of them simultaneously drop their utensils, looking at Ryan with wide eyes. Niall scoots away from Katrina like she has a disease.

                The only noise in the room is Katrina muttering that colorful vocabulary of hers.

                Ryan claps her hands together, finally deciding to speak. “Now. We are leaving in the morning, right?”

                “Yeah, a midnight plane ride to San Diego.” Louis smiles after swallowing his food.

                “MIDNIGHT?!” I screech, my eyebrows furrowing together angrily.

                “Yes. One: Because of the fans. Two: Because it’s an eleven hour flight.” Harry shrugs his shoulders lightly, starting to eat again.

                “I’m going to sleep for as much as I can then. Night guys.” Katrina smiles, running off after grabbing Texas from the little ensemble in the play pen. BooBear decides to take this moment to jump into Ryan’s lap, making her squeal.

                It’s quiet for a while after that. The boys empty out the dishes that once held Ryan’s dinner. Ryan cuddles with BooBear and Liam keeps checking his phone, typing things every once in a while. He’s really pissing me off. Liam’s not even talked to me since they arrived home, he’s not even talked.

                “Jenna.” Oh, I take that back. He’s finally decided to talk.

                “Liam.” I reply solemnly.

                “We need to talk.” He sighs, getting up and grabbing my wrist. Pulling me out of the room, his phone bings. For once, he ignores it.

                “What’s up?” I ask, tilting my head.

                “I need to tell you something.”



                “Errr what?”




                “SPIT IT OUT!”



                “I GOT A GIRLFRIEND THAT’S NOT YOU!”

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