Explanation of Y/N's nen!

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This isn't a chapter, but I wanted to quickly address Y/N's nen.

So she has a few abilities. She is a specialist, and basically she create anything she needs for survival. She calls it "Sabaibaru". She can create stuff like Weapons, food, clothes, and she can heal whatever she wants.

Her most special ability: Iyasu, lets her bring back anyone from the dead thats under a week deceased.

Her aura is magnificently strong, but of course she has weaknesses nobody knows of.

Once she uses one form of her Sabaibaru, she has to wait a whole hour to use it again. And she can only revive a person once a month, and it takes away a significant amount of aura from her for a whole week until she heals.

If she uses Iyasu more than once in the same month, she will not be able to use nen for a whole year, unless someone like Alluka wishes for her to gain back her nen, but that is likely impossible.

Y/n is very strong and so she could very easily kill many people if she wanted to, but she uses her nen for good, at least most of the time.

Anyways thats about it I just wanted to explain her nen a little more so you kind of get an idea.
Next chapter will come out shortly <3

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