part 28

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Y/n's .p.o.v.

I stood in front of a large white building and heard my father's car drive away.
I walked into the familiar white building and waved to the front desk people and they smiled at me.
They knew me well here and saw me almost every week.
I didn't even have to say why I was there and who I wanted to see.
I walked through the halls and finally got to the right door.
I knocked on the door three times and then walked into the room.
I saw my mother on her bed with a smile on her face and a book in her hand.
Sitting across from her, Touya with his black hoodie and purple burn marks on his body, was looking in my direction with a smile.

"Hey little sister of mine. How are you?" Touya asked.

"I'm also curious about Sweety, tell us we want to know." said my mother.

I sat down by Touya and giggled.

"Well ..... I passed my exam at UA !!"

Touya and Mamma looked at me with proud eyes and Touya patted my head.

"I'm proud of your little one. Tell me what did you have to do?" Touya asked.

"Well I had to fight All Might with Izuku and Katsuki-" I said calmly.

"Wait what ?!" screamed my mother.

"Mom calmly nothing has happened. Let me finish the story before you do anything about All Might, that's Touya's job." I said laughing.

Touya also started laughing when I said that and Mommy shook her head with a smile.

"Very well, but if something has happened I will take over that task from him and I will become a villian myself just for that." she said with a scary smile.

"Okey okey but let's move on. So me and the boys were against All might
fighting but the boys started as usual. But to be honest I didn't feel like it because I got a little angry. She even listened to me and did exactly what I said. I told them to deny so they would succeed and I would stop All might.
She hesitated at first but did what I said. They ran to the gate and were also beaten for working together and learning to listen in a way. I myself was left with All might and did something that cost me all my energy but was so worth it. I defeated All Might by shoving him into a gad with my earthen powers and filling it with water and an ice cube to make the hole so he couldn't get out easily. And then I made an ice horse and rode to the gate and jumped off the horse just in time and was through the gate. And I passed !! "I said happily.

My mom got up and walked over to me when I finished and gave me a hug.

"I am proud of you my dear daughter. You are so brave and strong." she said with tears in her eyes.

I started her back and after a few seconds she let go and looked at Touya.

"Touya I hope for you that you never have to fight your sister because she would kill you." she said with a laugh.

"Yes I know Mom I have the bravest and strongest sister in the world! And I'm sure she's going to go far in the world. And we know that maybe soon unfortunately ..."

I looked at Touya with shocking but also understanding  eyes.
Because I knew this meant that soon the LOV would attack our school again and he would be there this time.
But I wasn't really worried and smiled at him.
And immediately understood why I was smiling and nodded at me with a small smile.
Mom looked at us confused but shook it off.
We then changed the subject and stayed with Mum to catch up.
After a few hours, me and Touya decided to go and said goodbye to our mother and walked out of the building together.
Touya had decided to walk me home because he didn't trust me walking through the neighborhoods alone.
I had to giggle when he said that.
A villian with a heart of gold deep inside that he has opened only to special people.
And I'm glad to be one of them.
He would always be my greatest hero even now that he's a villian in this world.
I smiled through my thoughts and saw Touya looking at me strangely.
But that look quickly faded when we heard footsteps coming.
Touya pushed me behind him and stood in front of me in a protective way.

"Okay I know you're here show yourself before you burn yourself alive!" Touya said angrily.

I heard a girl giggle and saw a girl with blond hair coming out of the shadows.

"Oh oh oh Dabi ~ I've never seen you so protective before. Who is that your girlfriend ~?" the girl said teasingly.

I heard Touya growl but without realizing it I had to giggle softly.
Touya then looked my way and saw me laugh softly.
He shook his head with a small smile on his face.
He looked at me one more time and then looked at the girl again.

"What are you doing here Toga? Shouldn't you stay in the base of Shigaraki?" he asked her.

"Nope he gave me exemption to look for you ~ He needs you for the mission ~ Oops I shouldn't have said that ... But who is that anyway?" she asked.

Knowing he wouldn't answer, I slowly moved away from behind him and then looked closely at the girl.
She was so cute and beautiful.
She was wearing a school uniform with two buns.
She looked at me with a happy and hyper face and waved at me.
I looked at Touya who nodded and then back to the girl named Toga and waved back shyly.

"Omg she's so cute ~ !! Please be my new bestie!" She screamed.

I heard Touya sigh hard behind me.
I got the feeling he wasn't thrilled that Toga saw me and wanted to be friends.
But for some reason I felt like I couldn't turn her away and smiled at her.

"H-hello I'm Y / n Aizawa T's little sister - I mean Dabi's little sister .. Nice to meet you ..."

Her eyes began to twinkle.

"Pleasantly the name is Toga Himiko! Lets be friends!" she said with a big smile.

"okey I would like that .."

"hé that is finally done ... can I take her home now?" Touya asked.

"Of course! But hurry up before Handyman gets mad at you! ~ See you soon Y / N!"

She waved to us and walked back into the dark alley and disappeared into the shadows.
I looked at my brother who gave me a - how did you manage this again - look.
I started to laugh and shrug.

"Believe me little one you will die one more time .." he said shaking his head.

"Meh who knows .."

We started laughing out loud and then walked back to my house.
When I was almost home, I and Touya said goodbye and continued in our own directions.

When I got to my street I saw my father standing outside stamping his foot on the ground.
I tried to stay calm and slowly walked over to him.

"Hey Dad I'm back."

"Yes I see young lady .. But do you know what time it is?" dadzawa asked.

"Time for us to watch a movie and forget I'm late for the first time?"

I heard him sigh and chuckle.

"You're lucky I love you sweets otherwise you would have had house remnants." he said.

I smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you Dad."

"Mhm. But hurry up before you freeze."

I nodded and we walked in together.
Well this day was completely according to plan heh.
Now I am really looking forward to camp.

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