part 22

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y/n's p.o.v.

I walked into the building and saw a famous person standing inside.

"Katsuki ..?"

He looked up and walked my way.

"Jeez brat it took you a long time to get here. I've been waiting half an hour since your father asked if I could go with you." he said.

"Daddy asked if you could come with me, but why?"

He looked at me and sighed.

"He said since I'm good at protecting people in my way that it would be better if I came along. And because they didn't want to ruin the family moment or anything." he said in a manner of boredom.

I giggled and then took his hand.

"Then let's check in, Katsuki. We shouldn't make my mother wait too long."

He sighed and nodded.
We walked to reception and I gave my name and my mother's.
They looked at the list and then nodded.
She asked us to follow her to her room and we did so immediately.
After a short while we were in front of one with number 457a on it.
She opened the door and said we could go in.
We thanked her and then walked in.
I squeezed Katsuki's hand and started shaking.

"Oi brat calm down. I'm here too." he said softly.

He patted my head and sighed.
We walked further into the room and then saw a woman with white hair sitting with her back to us and someone with black hair sitting against her.
I breathed it in and let go of Katsuki and ran to my mother.

"Mom !!"

She looked up and tears filled her face.
I jumped on my mother and gave her a hug.
She hesitated but replied.

"y - y / n is that really you ... are you finally out of that damned house ..." she said sadly.

I looked at her and nodded.

"I'm finally free mama..i got away! Just like Touya promised me!"

Tears started to come from my mother's eyes and I heard someone else sobbing too.
I looked to the side of the sniff and saw the black-haired man smiling with tears in his eyes.
The man all had burn marks but he looked familiar to me.
I sat up and looked at the man.
And then I saw it ...

"T-touya ... Touya!"

He laughed.

"Come here little one." he said sadly but also happily.

I let go of my mother and gave him a hug.

"Big brother I finally did it!"

"I'm proud of your little one. Tell us how you got it that hell hole." he said.

Mamma nodded and I sighed.

"As you know I was stuck in my bedroom and everyone started to forget me slowly. But you were always there, Touya until you had to leave. And believe me I don't blame you.
I later understood why you left with Enji's workouts. I trained almost seventeen hours a day and was pelted with fire or other objects. After a few years I got used to it and slowly began to hope for a miracle and that happened quickly. Someone found me in the room. And that one is none other than Shoto. Thanks to him, I own it. He told Present Mic that I was his sister and then the pro heros went to look up information about me. They soon found out that I really was his sister and held a meeting with Nezu, all might, Present Mic and Eraser Head.
That day Eraser and Mic adopted me with Shoto's permission. And now I have another brother. And two fathers who protect me from everything. Thanks to them, Natsuo and Fuyumi finally know who I am and I can live a normal life. And today they arranged this with katsuki the boy at the door as a kind of protection. And it actually is. "

They looked at me with a shocked face and then looked towards the door and saw Katsuki standing.
He waved akward, then looked away.
Touya started to grin and my mother started to laugh.
Katsuki 'tched' and said he was going to the bathroom.
I nodded and focused on Touya and Mama again.

"Mom why are you sitting here and Touya where did you go?"

Mamma and Touya looked at each other and sighed.

“Promise us not to hate having our baby,” he said slowly.

"Never, I promise!" I said with a big smile.

He sighed and then looked at me sternly.

"Mom was placed here by Dad after she threw water over Shoto's eye and called her a distraction. She panicked and destroyed a lot of stuff and was therefore placed here .."

I looked at Mommy.

"So basically he just locked her up because otherwise he couldn't reach his supposed goal. And just wanted to blame somebody for everything. But then it's not momma's fault at all and no worries about the burn ... I already knew. was there. "

Mama looked at me with wide eyes and laughed.

"Thank you, Y / n ... you still believe in me," she said softly.

I smiled at her and then looked back at Touya as a sign that he could move on.

"First promise me you won't tell anyone who I am. Not even your friend there." he said sternly.


I reached out to him and showed my little finger.
He shook his head with a smile and turned his little finger around mine.

"Now our promise stands forever and ever."

He nodded and then started telling.

"As you can see, when I left I changed my appearance and went to live in an apartment with Enji's credit card.
After a while I had picked up my life and was out for revenge against Enji. And since my entire appearance has changed, I can now make it happen. But I am waiting for the perfect moment. And I know it's not exactly the perfect thing to do but he deserves it. He is not a real hero and never will be. Because of this, I chose to become a bad guy. And defeat the heros who are not worthy of heroes.
But of course I would never hurt you Y / n I promise. So don't worry and my name is no longer known as Touya but Dabi. You can always use my name, but not if others are there who do not know my identity. And actually that's it ... "he said tense.

I looked at him and laughed.

"I'm proud of your Touya ... you have finally found your calling and your true purpose. As long as you don't get found, I'm okay with it. So don't worry, you'll always be my big brother." I said with a smile.

He smiled at me.
Mamma, I and Touya continued to talk and didn't realize that time was running out.
After a while Katsuki came back and told us to go.
I hugged Mommy and Touya and waved before we left.
I smiled and felt Katsuki looking at me.

"And how was it Brat?" he asked.

'It was great! I was glad I went.
And thank you for being there for me Katsuki. "

"Tch your welcome Brat .."

I smiled at him and then we walked into the building waiting for Daddy's car.
I'm really looking forward to the rest of the weeks now.

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