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"Hey guys, 

I'm terrible sorry for making you wait but now, finally the last part of the Katsuki Bakugo side story. 


Oh also from now on people can send me Dm's on the following Insta account to sent in requests of ideas, or even little notices.




"Come out with your hands up!" A cop yelled through a speaker, making me look towards them.

 I saw a faint glow of red and blue lights up in the sky, and I clenched my jaw in frustration.I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and looked behind me.

"It wouldn't be good for you to been seen covered in blood, now it would, Y/n." Katsuki said with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.

I slowly raised myself off of him, with the knife still pointed towards his neck, before I stood up and began stepping away from him. 

"Next time, you won't be so lucky, Endeavor." I said hitting him once more with an element bullet before walking off with Katsuki and Dabi on his shoulder.


Endeavor's .p.o.v.

That stuck-up brat just wanted to kill me. And for what, because I raised her right? No, she's just conceited and thinks she can do so much more now because she's supposedly a villain at this point. Well, then she is really unlucky because no one, but really no one is a villain in the Todoroki family. NO ONE! She will pay for this, she will see that Endeavor Todoroki does not play with disobedient children.-Y/n's .p.o.v.-We got back to the base and Katsuki put my brother on the couch while I got a first aid kit.He really helped us, Katsuki Bakugo the spy from UA really helped us.This is a twist I didn't see coming, but that doesn't mean he's on our side.That's why I started a conversation about what his purpose actually is."Katsuki, why are you helping us? Because you work for the heroes." I said cautiously.Katsuki looked me straight in the eyes and sighed."Sometimes you realize that both sides are heroes in their own way. Endeavor is not a hero in any way. He does it for power, I'm sorry for putting you in this situation."I laughed and rolled my eyes."My, my, Katsuki Bakugo saying sorry. That goes on my resume. But seriously, what are you going to do now? Because won't the heroes think you betrayed them?"Katsuki shrugged his shoulders."It'll be fine, Aizawa will take care of it. By the way, yes, I'll still be a hero, with villains as friends." he said with a chuckle."YOU ARE A WHAT?!" Dabi said out of nowhere.Me and Katsuki both looked towards Dabi, who looked at us in shock.He looked at us with that look that demanded an explanation."Well, easy to say..... Katsuki is a spy.""WHY IS HE STILL HERE?!""Wow, I'm on your side in this battle." Katsuki said. "My goal is to let that fire idiot know that people aren't toys. After today I've officially had enough of him."Dabi looked at me with a do you really trust this situation face, to which I replied with a nod.He sighs."If I find out it isn't, I will personally kill you.""Noted." Katsuki answered. "But what is the plan now, because I'm sure your father won't just let her go."I smirked."Oh don't worry I have an idea."I told Dabi and Katsuki the plan and we immediately started preparing.--A week later--Endeavor .p.o.v.One of my clerks came in and handed me a letter before leaving my office.I looked at the sender and saw my youngest's name."Oh, has she finally learned from her mistakes?"I opened the letter and read the message./ Hello Endeavor,This is Y/n, I would like to talk to you about the past week.Because as we both know, we haven't really had time for that.If you are open to it, come on the Sunday of December 12 to the place where you last saw me.- Y/n - /I immediately looked at the calendar.Today was December 12th.Without thinking about it, I quickly walked out of my office to where I saw her and Dabi, along with Katsuki.It took less than ten minutes before I got there.When I arrived I saw Y/n standing at the location with Katsuki.Those two looked like they didn't mind taking each other's turns.That's good because then I can use them together when she joins the hero side.He can then control her when I'm not there.Y/n and Katsuki knew I was coming because the energy suddenly turned negative."Endeavor, good to see the letter arrived on time.""Sure, now start talking. And don't waste my time."Katsuki rolled his eyes, while Y/n laughed."Impatient? Well you're in luck, because we are indeed here to 'talk' Endeavor."Y/n snapped her fingers and we were surrounded on all sides.By police, FBI and heroes.Two officers grabbed my arms."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM?!"One of the officers answers."We know for sure Enji Todoroki, also known as Endeavor. A child abuser."Aizawa came forward from the group and stood next to Y/n and Katsuki."Katsuki briefed me on the situation he learned inside the LOV. And we made a pact with them for this situation.""WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?!""That you are under arrest, father." I said with a grin on my face.Endeavor kept shouting for them to let him go but no one listened.The police put him in a bust car and the other officers, plus heroes except Aizawa, went along.-Y/n's .p.o.v.-"Thanks for the help Aizawa." I said to him."No problem, I'm finally done with that burden."Katsuki laughed as he said that.Aizawa looked at him with a small smile before continuing to talk."If you ever need anything just let me know, you are one of the few who makes this problem child laugh, so I will help you.""OI, I'M NOT A PROBLEM CHILD!""Certainly." Me and Aizawa said together.He rolled his eyes."Just get this conversation over with so we can all go and finish this shitty mission.""Well, since we're going our separate ways, y/n will see you again if the LOV does anything. And Katsuki, I want to see you in my office tomorrow.""Understood."Katsuki said."See you soon Aizawa."Aizawa waved as he walked away, leaving me and Katsuki alone."Well, little villain. This is the time to say goodbye for now then." Katsuki said. "Because next time I'm really coming to beat you."I started laughing."I don't think so, boom boom boy. But I'll see you soon."I gave him a hug and thanked him."No problem Y/n, I'll see you soon."With this we both headed in different directions, to our own destinations.And the fate that was waiting for us.THE END

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