Creature In The Maze

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The sun began to set and dark clouds rolled in from the north. All of a sudden a cold breeze came down from the clouds and began to shake the fake webs that were placed in the corners of the houses' doors and cause the lights of jack-o-lanterns set to the side of the porches to slightly flicker. It was the kind of weather that gave the sense of closing as the year came closer to its inevitable end, counting down the months. Today was the last day of October and tomorrow November would begin. Already kids ran up and down the streets dressed as mummies, zombies, princesses, fairies, fairy-princesses, clowns, and historical speaker Martin Luther King Jr. (that was unexpected) Yes, the Halloween spirit had come out of hiding and swept its cold, frightening, and yet inviting hands over the small but extraordinary town of Danville and he only became stronger as the daylight continued to disappear. In a well furnished house a young girl was busy putting the finishing touches on her costume. "This is going to be awesome, Perry!" Marie said happily as she buttoned up a black jumper and waistcoat before slipping on black boots to complete the look. "Oh sorry! I Mean...Perracula!" Perry, who had a purple cape draped over him and fake fangs stuck in his mouth, gave an impassive chatter. He was currently laying in Marie's lap as she applied a small amount of eye-shadow to her face. "Well...what do you think?" Perry chattered again. "I'm going to assume that was a compliment." Perry jumped off her lap as she stood up and slipped from her room the moment the door was opened. 

    "Marie!" Isabella called. "Your friends are here!"

    Marie dashed down the stairs and pulled open the door. Sure enough Thomas, Zachary, and Jasmine all stood before her, all already in their costumes just like her. Thomas was dressed as Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton: his favorite musical. Zachary was dressed as Tron with a white and bright blue frisbee strapped to his back. Jasmine dressed as something that surprised everyone, probably the reason why she did it in the first place, Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars. "My mom's the one who did my face," she said. "I didn't think she could do much with some makeup and an old zombie mask but I was wrong."

    "Well both of our moms did earn their makeover patches," Marie said, still getting over her shock.

    "Who are you supposed to be?" Thomas asked.

    "She's obviously Dr. Who," Zachary spoke up before she could answer. "I'd recognize that black waistcoat anywhere." She gave him a warm smile that made him silently thankful that his face was covered in blue paint so that his blush couldn't show.

    "So we're all gonna go trick-or-treating as male characters?" Thomas asked skeptically.

    "Yeah," Jasmine said in a dangerous voice. "Is there a problem with that?"

    "No," he said quickly.

    "Oh look at all of you!" Phineas said as he entered the doorway from the living room. He was dressed in a leather vest and pants similar to the travel clothes Americans wore in the 1700s. "Let's see...we got Hamilton, Dr. Who, Tron, and-oh!" he said when his eyes fell on Jasmine. "That's...interesting."

    "I have a Death Star you know!" Jasmine said threateningly. This made everyone else laugh and she eventually joined in after realizing how ridiculous she sounded. After they calmed down Phineas handed them all bags the size of a full grown man. Jasmine and Zachary happily discarded the small, pumpkin-shaped buckets they had already been given. Isabella came in at that moment with a king-sized Reese's Bar for each of them. She was wearing a dress made of false animal skin and had a feather tucked behind her right ear. A few minutes later Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro arrived and slowly made her way up the porch steps.

    "Thanks for agreeing to take them trick-or-treating," Phineas said when she reached them.

    "No problem, Phineas honey. My look at how much you've grown!" she said looking down at Marie and her friends. "Has it been that long since I saw you last?"

Anti-Dimension: A Phineas and Ferb fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora