In The Void

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Phineas opened his eyes to find...complete darkness. He was floating alone as black wisps brushed against him. No, wait! Someone was with him. He turned his head to find... "Zachary? What are you doing here?" No answer. "Zachary? Zachary! Wake up!"

    "Mmmmmmm. Where are we? Huh? Where'd these come from?" He suddenly noticed the detail that Phineas had failed to acknowledge. They were wearing space suits that protected them from the affects of the Anti-Dimension. The Anti-Dimension... "Aw I remember now! The Anti-Dimension tried to take Doofenshmirtz, and I pushed, and then the tentacle...we're really in a pickle now aren't we?"

    "Yes, yes we are. We're currently trapped in the Anti-Dimension with no way out!"

    "So what? We just float around for the rest of eternity?"

    "I didn't say that. We need to find a way to contact our friends on the other side. If that doesn't work then I guess we will have no choice but to float around for 'the rest of eternity' as you put it. Now...let's see..." He suddenly noticed that the void wasn't as empty as he previously thought. All around them floated fragmented objects from who knows where and when in time. Some of these parts were wiring kits and other mechanical items. "I bet I can make a communicator that can send a strong enough signal to our home world. I just need the necessary parts, but I think there's more than enough in this place. Zachary, quick! Start grabbing what you can! We're getting out of here..."

    Marie hugged her pet platypus close as she sobbed into his blue fur. Perry found it hard to act impassive as he was consumed by grief himself. He gave a soft, mournful chatter. He had gotten the news from Doofenshmirtz not long before Isabella and her children returned to their house which was one of the only buildings that remained standing. Marie couldn't take it anymore. She sat up and slipped on her shoes before getting up and opening the bedroom door. She left it cracked for when Perry wished to leave but the platypus remained curled up on her bed with his head tucked under his tail. He shook slightly and Marie understood that he knew that from that day forward there was going to be one less person living in the Flynn household. Tears streamed down her face anew as the realization hit her a second time and she ran down the stairs and out the front door. She hugged herself tightly as she went down the sidewalk. Memories of her father started to pass through her mind one after another. She remembered how he gave her the red bow she loved to wear so much. That made her think of her first day of school, the day she met Zachary. Even though she had already known it didn't take her until now to finally accept that he was gone too. The crying became worse. Her misery made it too hard for her to walk. Luckily there was a nearby bench, and she sat in it right away. She put her face in her hands. She remembered how she and Zachary had held hands on the Farris Wheel, how they had kissed at the dance. She was shaking uncontrollably now and was caught by complete surprise when a hand came down to rest on her shoulder. She leapt off the bench in fright and quickly wiped her eyes for her vision was blurred by the constant stream of tears. Her sadness turned to anger when she saw that the person who had touched her was none other than Mitchal. "What do you want?" she said in a voice of deadly calm.

    "I heard about what happened to your dad and Zach," Mitchal said. "I came to say I'm sorry for your loss and that if you need someone to talk to you can always come to-"

    "Thanks but I don't feel like talking to anyone right now! Let alone you!" She sighed and said, "I'm sorry. Can you just leave me alone? Please?" Mitchal seemed like he was about to protest but kept his mouth shut. He turned around and began to walk the way he came taking several large strides at a time. Marie rolled her eyes and sat down again. Her father and her best friend were gone. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She opened a digital photo album she had created and began to scroll through the pictures. She found one of her at ten years old as her father gave her a piggyback ride. It was on Thanksgiving day. She saw Ferb, Vanessa, Baljeet, Ginger, and several other people laughing in the background as her mother watched while holding a three-year-old Tony. She scrolled upwards until she found a more recent photo. She was taking a selfie with Zachary on the carriage the night of their date. They never became an official thing had they? She began to cry harder than what was previously thought humanly impossible...

    "There!" Phineas and Zachary moved back to admire their handiwork. They had created a semi-large satellite dish with a small computer terminal attached to it. "Thanks a lot, Zach. You were a big help."

    "Hey, anything to get out of here!" Zachary replied. Phineas began to press buttons on the terminal. The dish began to emit signals in a frequency on an interdimensional level.

    "The S.O.S has been sent! With any luck someone will get it. Hopefully I didn't send it on the wrong frequency. We don't want some random aliens to receive the transmission. Who knows what they might do."

    "Wait! That could happen?"

    "Let's hope it can't..."

    Ferb slammed his fist on the table and put his head in his hands. The moment he had been told that Phineas and Zachary were lost he immediately set to work to find the Anti-Dimension. He had created a satellite dish that could track frequencies of other dimensions, but nothing. A plate of uneaten food given to him by Vanessa sat to his right on the table. Out of rage he grabbed the machine and threw it across the room. It hit the wall and fell down next to a trashcan. At that moment it began to start receiving a signal from a strange frequency different from the others. Ferb rushed to his invention and picked it up again. It was an S.O.S....from Phineas! He almost dropped the device again but managed to tighten his grip. He rushed out of the house and got into his car. He had to find Doofenshmirtz...

    "This place is weird," Zachary said. "There's all of this stuff but why can't we find anyone else?"

    "This is just speculation, but I believe it's because they were consumed by the Anti-Dimension. They are a literal part of the void," Phineas remained by the transmitter.

    "How come we haven't become part of the void? Where did these suits we're wearing come from?"

    "You know strange things like this have happened to my friends and I before. Just be thankful they decided to appear when they did or we'd be in a much worse situation right now."

    "In case we never get out of here I just want to say it was nice knowing you."

    "Let's not get sentimental yet."

    "At least we saved our universe from complete destruction. Hey! I just realized that we've been the only ones talking in this place! I thought the Anti-Dimension could talk! In fact why hasn't he done anything yet?" At that moment a bright light shined on them out of the darkness. Zachary and Phineas shielded their eyes. "I just had to say something! He's come to finish us off!"

    "No wait! It's a portal! Zach, come on!"

    "What if it leads somewhere worse than this place?"

    "Come on!"

    "Alright! Here goes nothing..." Zachary went first, diving through the light and emerging in what remained of Doofenshmirtz Tower. At that moment cheering reached his ears and someone hoisted him off the floor and pulled him into a tight hug.

    "Zachary!" his mother sobbed. "I was afraid I lost you! Oh I'm so happy I can just...I can just!"

    "Calm down, mom! We weren't even gone that long, jeez!" When his mother did let go someone else pulled him into a tight embrace. It was Marie and she was crying even harder. "Hey! Settle down. I'm here!"

    "Zach!" Marie said and her grip tightened.

    "Can't breathe! Can't breathe! So...what are we doing today? Other than saving the world. You know what? I think we still haven't had that do-nothing day yet. Maybe we can finally catch a break!" Marie laughed, pulled off Zachary's helmet, and pressed her lips to his. There were several collective gasps but neither of them cared. 

    "Wait! What's going on here?" Phineas was standing in the portal entrance looking from Marie to Zachary as if seeing them for the first time.

    "Dad!" Marie said and ran over to hug her father followed by Tony. Isabella stood by and watched. Phineas pushed by his kids, reaching down and ruffling Tony's hair as he did so.

    "Did you miss me?" Were the first words he said to his wife. Isabella burst into tears and pulled him in for a kiss.

    "I love happy endings," Doofenshmirtz said with his hands on his hips. "Norm! Destroy my Anti-Dimension Gateway Open-Inator!"

    "Sure thing, father!" A newly repaired Norm said. His right arm turned into a cannon and he fired it upon the machine. Nothing but a pile of ashes remained...

Anti-Dimension: A Phineas and Ferb fanficWhere stories live. Discover now