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"Come on, Noona! Please help me out?"

Yoon Se-ri turned away from the pot she stirring to give a frown to her younger cousin, Park Gwang-Beom. "What do you need a chaperone for? You're 25 years old for crying out loud."

"But Lee So-Hye's parents are quite strict and she's bringing her older brother along," he reasoned.

Se-ri rolled her eyes, stomped her foot and then turned back to the soup she was making for them for dinner. "Goodness. I don't even date and you want me to go with you on yours."

She was giving him a difficult time but she knew she was going to do it for him.

Se-ri and Gwang-Beom were both only children. Their mothers are sisters and very close to each other that even when they got married, they decided to live next to each other. As an only child, she was doted on by her parents and her auntie, which she loved. However, she had wanted a little brother or sister for the longest time. Se-ri could recall numerous birthdays and Christmases when the wish she would ask for was a little baby.

She didn't get a sibling, but her aunt eventually told them of the great news that she was pregnant.

Gwang-Beom was born ten years after Se-ri was. When they were younger, she treated the baby like one of her most cherished dolls except that she was actually dressing him and feeding him. As he grew bigger, she spoiled him by having treats for him whenever she came home, read stories for him and even taught him to play games in his first ever game console (which she bought).

Even when they grew older, their bond had remained strong. Their communication was reduced when she went to University and then when he did his mandatory military service, but since he's been out they found themselves living close to each other and often dropped by each other's apartments for quick catch ups.

Knowing that he was a good boy who didn't date around casually, she knew he was serious about this young woman and this date was important to him.

"Why does she need to be accompanied on a date?" Se-ri asked.

"Their father does not want scandals or inappropriate behaviour in public," Gwang-Beom said. He further explained that the father is due to be announced as the new President of a prestigious financial institution in Seoul and was strict with keeping his children in line. "But So-Hye assures me that he is a good man and quite loving to them. He just has strict standards."

"And what do we know of her brother?" Se-ri prodded.

Gwang-Beom smiled, making him more handsome in Se-ri's biased eyes. "So-Hye adores him. She speaks of him so fondly. I haven't met him but she told me that he recently left the marines a few months ago and is setting up his security firm here. That's what's keeping him busy that's why we have not been introduced."

Se-ri nodded, absorbing the information. She has a respect for soldiers and military men, she would never understand that kind of sacrifice but she had deep respect for those who choose it. "Alright. Now I want to go with you to at least thank a soldier for his service. I've never done so face-to-face."

Her cousin beamed. "Thank you, Noona! I'll let So-Hye know."

Se-ri pinched Gwang-Beom's cheeks. "Awww! My little baby is now a big boy!"

"Ouch! Noona! Don't pinch me like that in front of So-Hye. It might turn her off," he protested, jokingly.

"And why not? I'm sure she will agree with me that you are so cute," Se-ri countered. Seeing the salad that had not yet been prepared, she made a face. "She will agree that you're cute... but find out that you are the laziest. Why haven't you started on the salad? Do you expect me to prepare that, too?"

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