Stranger in my Bed - 6

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The two of them were on the floor, leaning on the couch, heads were resting on it so that they could stare at the white ceiling of the apartment that had surely seen better days. He had just finished telling her about the time that he met Joon-young until the moment that they ended things.

"I guess some part of me expected the break up. I mean, it was pretty obvious that she was being distant but I was still stunned when it happened," Jin-woo shared.

"Do men sulk when they're heartbroken? Or do they go out and party and drink until they pass out?" Jin Ah inquired.

"I don't know about others but this man sulked. Plus, I buried myself in work," he replied.

"Did you guys try to talk after that?" Jin Ah asked. Turning slightly, she took in his side profile as he continued to gaze at the ceiling. "You are one handsome man."

Jin-woo smirked. "I told you," he said confidently.

Jin Ah rolled her eyes and then followed up on the reply to her query. "So? Did you try to work it out?"

He seemed to struggle to respond to her question. "I'm not sure if it would count but she did reach out to me a little while after we broke up."

"Aaaannnnddd???? Don't keep me in suspense," Jin Ah said.

Jin-woo chuckled. "Someone's impatient." He paused again, thinking before he finally shared, "It was one of those moments when it felt like nothing was going as planned. The rain poured, my car battery died and so did my phone battery."

"When I arrived at her place way after the designated time because of all the trouble I encountered, she was out. I tracked her down somehow and found her at a bar. She was on a date," he shared.

Jin Ah's hands flew to her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry. We can stop now if it's too painful to share."

Jin-woo narrowed his at eyes at her. "That's a little too late, you know."

"Sorry," Jin Ah apologised again.

He shook his head. "It's fine. Really."

"Was that the night you decided to seek revenge on every other living human being on earth and spread your doom?" she asked. When Jin-woo gave her a questioning look, she said, "I haven't forgotten how terrified Emma was of you that she rented out my place without permission. You must be a monster boss."

"At least I'm just a monster boss now and no longer a suspected murderer," he accepted. "Thanks?"

"You're welcome. I am terribly kind-hearted," Jin Ah said before she took another sip of her soju.

Jin-woo thought back to that time. "I was quite horrible for a time. I snapped at everyone, even my mother. When I wasn't busy being angry, I was working all the time. A few weeks later, I got my first promotion and my mother reminded me to be thankful for my blessings." Pausing to take a sip, "I thought then that maybe the first thing I should do is pay back the person who helped me that night."

"What night?"

"The night my car battery died before I went to see my ex," Jin-woo reminded her.

"There was someone who helped you?" Jin Ah asked, slurring her words and barely able to keep her eyes open.

Jin-woo nodded. "I called my ex to tell her I'd be late but somehow ended up calling someone else. I must have pressed one number incorrectly. Anyway, that person didn't know me but went to help me out. It restored my hope that there are still good people around. She even wished that things would work out well for me. Weirdly so, the person was in a pirate's costume that night."

He turned to Jin Ah, who had been silent for a while.

She was snoring softly.

Jin-woo rolled his eyes. "You ask me to tell you my story and then you sleep," he whispered. Watching he sleeping, he muttered, "Should I leave you here? I need to get you to bed, don't I?"

Groaning, he moved so he could lift her. He tried to be gentle at first but it was impossible so he just carried her quickly and then moved her to the bedroom. When he had tucked her in, he sat to double check that she won't fall over. Moving a stray hair strand away from her face, he whispered again, "You seem at peace. I hope you don't dream of your heartbreak. Sweet dreams, Jin Ah."

Jin Ah sighed in her sleep. As he turned to leave, she murmured, "I wish she gives you a chance."

Jin-woo looked at her again.

That voice. Those words.

Could it be?


A/N: Short update today because there's so much content from BinJin. Have a great day everyone!

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