Of Mergers and Marriages - 12

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"This marriage is an arranged for the business of the Yoons and the Kims, right?"

One of the photographers asked his colleague who was covering the event for the night.

"Yes, why?"

The first photographer trained his camera again on the recently wed couple, who were currently stealing glances at each other.

The groom couldn't take his eyes off his beautiful bride, conscious of her every need. When food was served, he helped her with the table napkin to make sure it covered her gown sufficiently. She took a sip of her drink, the groom immediately handed over his napkin to dab her lips with. She stood to chat with someone, he assisted so that the train of her gown would not trip her.

The bride was more discreet, pretending to gaze at some guest or item on his side of the table. Then when he turns away to check what she was looking at, the bride's eyes would rest on her groom and have a small smile for him, which she would wipe off as soon as he looks back at her. Sometimes, she would even push his hand away, telling him she was fine on her own and they would bicker for a little. But, when his attention is diverted to another guest or to his food, her eyes were only ever on him. Even asking the waiter to change his drink when she noticed that he didn't touch it.

This wedding was supposed to be covered just like any media event so the company hired photographers who followed celebrities, instead of the top wedding photographers in the country. Funny how most of the photos were coming out as if they were to be published in a bridal website.

The photographer shrugged. Oh well, good for them. The world needed some good news.


"You're not eating much," Kim Joo Won noted the untouched food on Se-Ri's plate.

"I really don't eat a lot," Yoon Se-Ri confessed. "That's why people call me Picky Princess because I never eat more than 3 bites of anything."

"Hmm that's not good," he noted, frowning. "You need a lot of energy to come up with those snarky comments of yours."

"Well, then, you'd have to keep wearing plain suits so I don't expend the limited energy I have," she returned.

Kim Joo Won wrinkled his nose. "Or maybe that should be my motivation to wear more sequinned suits. It will annoy you so you'll eat more and have more energy to spread your sarcasm into this world!"

Se-Ri turned serious at his comment. "I don't intend to be mean. It's just..."

Kim Joo Won stayed silent as he waited for her to continue.

"It's just that your taste in clothes is really bad!" she finished, her eyes twinkling.

Laughing, Kim Joo Won clucked his tongue and said, "And here I thought you were going to say something nice." Smiling at her, he reminded, "Those sparkly discs bring me luck! After all, I got to marry you."

Yoon Se-Ri's heart fluttered. Speechless and blushing, she decided to deflect, "Flattery will get you nowhere. I still think those suits deserve to be burned."

As the evening progress, Se-Ri realized... she liked whatever it was she had with him. This, whatever this was, was nice.

However, this warm feeling for him quickly vanished when she saw him dance. His dancing skills were similar to his taste in clothes — bright, flashy, and not very good. The whole thing saved by his handsome face and amazing built.

The band started playing 90's songs, which apparently her groom put them up to. Kim Joo Won asked her to join him in the dance floor.

There he made these jerky movements like he was pushing something supposedly in time with the beat, jump at certain points of the song and then his head would flop from side to side. He felt every second of it, loving the song that was playing.

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