Of Mergers and Marriages - 6

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A/N: The update for One Night is not yet ready so I'm posting this first. 


Kim Joo Won woke up early the next day and stared out the window to his lush green garden. He loved this place. It was isolated enough to accord him the privacy he needed, just enough outside the city for him to enjoy the drive without getting pissed off at the traffic.

On weekends, he usually slept in. However, even if it was a Sunday today, he was out of bed and ready for his meeting. His meeting with his now fiancée.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. How did he get here? Wasn't he cursing that woman just days ago because of the snafu with his suit?!

Yet, somehow, after the few times they've crossed paths to piss each other off, hearing her father congratulate him for the engagement felt... nice.

And the attraction. 

Oh god, he groaned. He was always aware of how pretty Yoon Se-Ri was but up close with the skin on her shoulder exposed like that... ugggghhhh. Her skin glowed and begged to be touched. Her lips begged to be kissed. And when the slit of her dress exposed her long, toned legs, he realized at that moment he was a leg man.

Kim Joo Won was on edge the entire dinner at the gala. Focus on the bid, focus on the bid, he thought.

"How much is your top bid for this?" she whispered the night before leaning in to read the notes he scribbled on the catalogue.

"I'm not telling you!" Kim Joo Won said. "You're the enemy."

"I said I won't bid against you! I'll add my budget to yours so you can add it," she stated.

Kim Joo Won sputtered a retort, but had none. "Why are you being nice? Don't be nice. I don't know what to say when you're nice."

Yoon Se-Ri gave him a seductive smile that made him weak in the knees. "Well, well, well, Mr. Kim. Have I unlocked a weakness in you that is not sequin-related?"

He scowled at her.

The yacht was up next in the bidding so he let go of any plan to say something snarky and focused on this auction. With Se-Ri and her father cheering him on, and Se-Ri even commenting on the other bidder, "Oh, come on! Spend the money on that shoe line you've been working on!", Kim Joo Won realized he was having  a lot of fun that he didn't even mind if he lost the yacht.

Which he did.

"Add my money and top his bid!" Se-Ri whispered.

"No. We are not spending that much on a yacht. It's not valued that much," he said.

"But I... don't want us to lose to him!" she said. Pouting, she added, "I just insulted his shoe line and I don't want to say sorry!"

Kim Joo Won chuckled at the memory. The woman was something else. 

At exactly 9am, his housekeeper informed him that Ms. Yoon had arrived and was waiting for him at the dining room. 

Yoon Se-Ri was seated at one end of the long ten-seater dining table so Kim Joo Won took the other end. "Good morning," she started.

"Good morning."

"You were serious when you said you liked sparkly things," she said, eyeing his bright yellow cardigan. "Are all your clothes either sequinned or in bright colours?"

Kim Joo Won crossed his arms. "Yes. My closet is filled with yellow, orange and neon green pieces. Add animal prints to the mix," he replied, seeing her cringe. Then, assessing her outfit, he returned, "Do you wear a suit to bed? And are baby bibs a thing nowadays?"

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