In Pursuit of Happiness - 20

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A/N: Thank you for all the greetings! I will try to reply to the comments in the previous chapter, I'm just enjoying continuously writing updates in between stuff for work. But I'll get to it soon. Thanks everyone!


In another side of town, a former fire arms dealer walks into his home and is surprised by all the decorations he found.

"It's not my birthday."

Min Tae Gu walked into their home puzzled upon seeing the balloons and loot bags spread all over the living room and dining table.

"Of course not, silly!" Baek Jang-mi laughed. "It's for Cha Hoon, remember? Agent Dae-sik and Dr. Cha invited us?"

"Yes, but I don't remember them hiring us to be their party planner," deadpanned Min Tae Gu.

"This is our gift!" Baek Jang-mi explained. "Dr. Cha told me they were going to buy food and gifts for the kids at the orphanage and Hoon doesn't want any gifts for himself, so I thought helping out with the balloons and loot bags would be our gift."

Min Tae Gu chuckled. His wife already put her mind to do this so he highly doubted that he could talk her out of it. Not that he wanted to. Baek Jang-mi always had a soft spot for orphans like them and their daughter and it was one of the things he loved about her.

"Fine," he sighed. "I guess we have to finish this tonight."


Unbuttoning his shirt and rolling up his sleeves, he sat beside Jang-mi at the dining table and started packing loot bags. "And here I thought I could have a hot night with you after a tough day."

Baek Jang-mi's eyes widened before she giggled. Oh, how she loved this man!

Years ago, when she decided to turn her life around, she promised never to fall in love with a criminal because she wanted a quiet, less complicated life. She's had years of the harsh streets and the daily fear of not making out alive so when she decided to live a clean life, she planned to go straight and narrow.

Then, life gave her Min Tae Gu.

The hottest criminal boss she ever met.

They still lived a law-abiding life — being best friends with cops did that to you -- but there were some things that they kept. And that was their wild and hot bedroom activities.

Jang-mi turned back to the loot bag she was arranging. "Did I mention our daughter is sleeping over at Cheol-Ryung and Chae Yoon's tonight?"

Min Tae Gu gave her a sexy smile. "She is?"

"Yup," Jang-mi said. "And I'm naked underneath this sweatshirt, except for those vibrating underwear we haven't used in awhile."

Min Tae Gu's eyes widened. Taking out his phone, he searched for the app that controlled the device and selected the mode he wanted.

"AH! Why you!" Jang-mi hit him lightly.

"Too much?"

"No! Too good..." Jang-mi said, leaning back and enjoying the sensation. Biting her lip and rubbing her thighs together, she moaned, "But we still have a couple of bags to finish."

Min Tae Gu kissed her deeply until she was panting heavily. Lowering the setting, he whispered, "Let's see how many you can make while this vibrator is on."

"Do I get a reward?"

Min Tae Gu nodded. "Any position for as long as you like... Darling."

Baek Jang-mi gulped. Turning back to the loot bags, she packed with the precision of a production line. "You better keep that promise. But, Darling?"

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