I Was Born to Love You

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A/N: Intrigued by a comment in my previous post about reading his point-of-view, I've been meaning to write this. Thankfully, I have some time today. So let's give it a try using his song choice during their wedding.

An amazing feeling coming through...

"Hey, you received an invitation to the VIP premier of your senior's movie. Would you like to attend?"

He stared at the details on the paper his assistant handed over, which included the media blurb for the movie. "Wow, this is really interesting," he muttered under his breath. Seeing the name of the female lead, his eyes widened in shock, "Isn't she too young to be playing this?"

His assistant gave a half smile. "A young wife? I think she'll fit. Someone diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's? It is a challenge for her yes. But she's already proving to be an amazing actress."

He stared at the poster again. He had to correct himself - there was no one else who could play this part... and he couldn't wait to see the output. "Yes, I'll attend for sunbaenim."


He felt the thrill of a new love, adored the female character, joined the journey of the love story... and his heart ached when the female character learned of her illness and the struggles to cope. When the female lead pleaded for the husband to leave her, he ached. He also hurt for the husband finding ways to be strong for his wife.

"Sunbaenim! Congratulations! This is an amazing movie. I am sure this will be one of the classics of Korean cinema," he praised.

"Oh thank you. I did pretty well but I have a lot to thank my co-lead for. She was amazing in this - amazing output but even wonderful on set," his senior said. "She's there," he pointed to a distance. "Have you guys ever met?"

"No," he replied. "I'll try to say hi."

He never got to say that hello and express his admiration for the work.  "Maybe next time," he thought as he headed home. "I'm sure this won't be her last great movie."


If I was given every opportunity I'd kill for your love...

Over the years, their paths seemed to almost cross only to separate at the last minute.

"Did you hear? They moved her shooting date a day early!" His co-star in their hit series updated him. "I've been meaning to meet her!"

He made a face. "Oh, too bad. I hope to say hello, too."


"There's a project that she's interested in and I think this role would be good for you."

But the schedule won't pan out.

They seem to travel parallel roads that was never bound to meet.

"I think it's time for me to enter the military and do my service," he declared one day.

He had been at a crossroads and feeling lost for some time now. He had just broken up with a woman he had been with, equally famous and still didn't work out. His most recent series was a massive success but the sense of achievement he had just felt shallow.

He didn't complain because he never wanted to sound ungrateful to his fans and all the people who supported him in fulfilling his dreams. There was just a sense of longing. Loneliness. The feeling that something was missing.

He felt it was time to do... "something."

Perhaps, he needed to refocus.

With that, he took a break from the world he had known and entered service.

I'm caught in a dream and my dreams come true
It's so hard to believe this is happening to me

It was an unexpected comeback and he felt as if he were a rookie in this business. He was still well loved as a product endorser and fans never wavered in their belief in him. But, he was still finding his footing. His movie did well but some critics did not like his acting. He was more particular with projects though and hoped that his next ones would click with audiences and critics.

"You're receiving a Producer's Choice Award," his manager told him. "It's a non-competitive award but you were chosen because of your good reputation. Shall I decline the invite and extend your regrets?" The man asked knowing the uncertainty his boss was feeling these days with his work.

Reading through the document, he scanned the list of other winners. Interesting. "Wow, they're giving me this award and she's my female counterpart? She's been consistent with her work and success over the years."

He accepted the invitation.

Sadly, they only shared a brief hello and had a bit of interaction on stage. They may not have come out of it as friends or even close colleagues but it cemented him as a fan - not that he wasn't already.

Then, finally...

"Have your read the script? I was hoping you'd say yes. I worked on this for a long time and only have you and this top actress in mind for the role. I know I am a new director but I hope you would take a chance on working with me," the man asked politely. "I know it is unusual for you to portray a villain but I think it will be great."

When the deal was done, he received the final script and the shooting schedule.

He couldn't help but smile when he read the cast under the movie title: "The Negotiation".


I was born to love you
With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you
Every single day of my life

He was on his way home from a movie premier of his good friend, his senior in this industry. The same senior whose movie premier he attended because the premise of a young woman being diagnosed with Alzheimer's piqued his interest. Back then, he never got to congratulate the female lead for a job well done but he expressed his praise to his senior.

"Maybe next time," he had thought.

He chuckled in his car seat as he thought about how long that "next time" took. His car stopped at an intersection. At some point, he thought the would just continue on their parallel roads and be one of those people he only knew of and spoke to in passing.

Then, at the green light, he took a turn... and finally, their paths met.

Typing in the code to the home he cherished most, he smiled widely when he saw her, holding their little one  and cooing to him as their little pup looked on sleepily. "Why are you still awake?" He queried quietly, not wanting to startle their 11-month old baby.

The love of his life smiled wide. "He woke up and seemed to be looking for you. When you sent a message that you were headed home, I decided it won't be so bad to stay up a little late for just one day."

"Abababaedududfushhh," the little bean babbled then extended his arms to his father. As soon as he was carried into his father's stronger arms, he lay his head on the broad shoulders he was missing and soon started to close his eyes.

His wife rolled her eyes but smiled softly at their son. "How will we get back to work soon when this boy is so clingy!" He pretended to complain.

She kissed his nose. "The world will have to wait a little longer then. I'm in no hurry. You?"

He pretended to think. "I have to stay home and mostly away from the limelight for an adorable pup, the most gorgeous son and the a wife who owns my heart... I'd say the world can wait a little."

As they headed to their room to put their two babies to bed before cuddling to sleep, he pondered on how blessed he has been over the years. He still did not take for granted that he had tremendous success and loyal fans. However, for the first time in his life, he went home and he felt... complete.

And it was something he won't take for granted and will forever protect with all his heart.

I was born to love you... with every single beat of my heart

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