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Dearest Son,

He couldn't help but smile as he took in the two words that he just put on paper


Has it really been six months since the love of his life gave him a son?

Sometimes, he had to pinch himself to remind him that this was his reality now: married to the best woman for him, his perfect partner, with whom he now shares a son with.

He stared at the sky that was just starting to welcome this day's light and took a sip of his coffee. He had woken up early as his body used to this routine he kept when he was working on a movie. While taking another sip of his morning brew, their Maltese pup strolled out and barked before motioning for him to follow her. This was a few seconds before he heard some gurgling over the baby monitor.

Quickly heading to the room to pick up their little man and giving the baby a fresh bottle, he stared at the tiny human he now cradled.


"How could you have grown up so quickly?" he mused. "I'm sorry I left so soon after you were born. I will forever feel guilty about it even if Eomma says I shouldn't feel this way. I want to make sure I can provide everything for you, Kitty and Eomma. So, I have to keep my word and do that job."

Little bean looked up briefly, crinkled his nose, then turned his attention back to his bottle making his father chuckle. "You really are so cute. I'm glad you look like Eomma."

Hearing the word for his mother, Little Bean seemed to look up, confirming his father's suspicions that he was the smartest boy on the planet. "Yes. Eomma. If you don't know it yet, you won the jackpot with her. She's the coolest, funniest, most intelligent and sweetest person. She's a perfectionist and she's ambitious and she works hard to get what she wants at her job. Those are very good things."

Once finished with his milk, the father and son duo started walking around as the baby tried to burp. "I'm glad your remember my voice. By the way, I've forgiven you for wailing so loudly when you saw me without my beard and thought I was a stranger. How can you not prefer my clean shaven face? This is the face your mom fell in love with!"



He rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. You two can play for a bit," he said, laying the baby on the seat they had set up for him on the floor, while the puppy excitedly walked around them. "Kitty, don't be too rough with your brother, okay?"


Me? She seemed to say. I'm always good!

As the two stared each other down, fascinated with the presence of one another, and occasionally managing to move a toy, he sat back at the couch to watch then.

It felt like yesterday when they had just heard the doctor's confirmation that they were having a child! He remembered watching her sleep that night as she was often slumbering to help her body cope with the changes happening. He stroked her hair and stared at her in awe and a certain sense of vulnerability.

"I hope the nausea subsides," he whispered. "I'm sorry I can't do more than hold your hair when you're bent over the toilet."

His mind was busy with so many thoughts - some good, some worrisome, as thoughts often go when you ponder on them too much. It took a moment for the thought to enter his mind how fragile a woman could be during pregnancy and how things could go wrong and he immediately felt a sharp pain in his heart.

"I know you'll take care of yourself and our Alkongie," he said again. "But, if it's okay, let me worry about, too. Even just a little bit? This is all I could do for both of you now."

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