In Pursuit of Happiness - 7

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Cha Mi-jo stared at the clear sky and wondered if Jung Chan-young were listening.

"Are you there?" she called out into the night sky. "I have a long story to tell and I wanted to share it with you first because Joo Hee is probably asleep now and will just want details on whether I slept with Dae-sik."

Cha Mi-jo giggled. "For the record, I didn't."

Sighing, she sat by her window sill and continued. "Hoon had such a wonderful day, Chan-young. You should have seen his smile, which was pasted on his face even when I left him sleeping."

Cha Mi-jo thought back to their day with Agent Dae-sik...


Cha Mi-jo watched Hoon run inside Dae-sik's apartment and check every nook and cranny.

"Is there a secret door here, Agent Dae-sik?" he asked as he scooted under the coffee table. "How about here? Are there secret gadgets?"

Hyun Dae-sik chuckled. Before he ran after the little boy, though, he handed Cha Mi-jo the single peony. "I heard from Jang Joo Hee that you still love this flower. For you. And no, I'm not thinking of sleeping with you."

Cha Mi-jo rolled her eyes and carefully walked in.

Nothing had changed. It was still neat, with the color palette the same neutral colors she remembered. The place was functional and practical and nothing extravagant but there was an undertone of elegance that Mi-jo liked.

It was very much like the Agent.

"Yah, careful! You might hit your head on that table," Dae-sik warned Hoon gently, but Hoon just grinned then continued exploring the place. "Let's eat breakfast. I prepared scrambled eggs, fruit and some toast."

"Oh cool!" Hoon exclaimed. "I like scrambled eggs."

Dae-sik escorted both Hoon and his mother to the table, which he set up with three place settings, then proceeded to make Hoon a bib out of the table napkin.

"Thank you!" Hoon said, gratefully.

"Would you like coffee, Dr. Cha? I brewed a pot," Dae-sik said. "I'm not certain what to get for Hoon but I have milk, juice and hot cocoa."

"Any is fine," Cha Mi-jo replied. "Which do you prefer, Hoon Sweetheart?"

"Hot cocoa, Eomma," he replied, already munching on his toast.

Dae-sik saw to their needs and paid attention to Hoon and his stories, which added to the thrill of the little boy. Soon, Dae-sik signalled that they should leave. "I got us tickets to avoid some long lines but there may still be queues for other rides. We'll be patient, okay Hoon-ah?"

"Yes, Agent! I'm already having the best day ever with you and Eomma!" Hoon declared, touching Cha Mi-jo's heart again. Sometimes she couldn't understand it but Hoon had an innocence that remained in spite of all that he had been through and she was grateful.

But just before they headed out, Mi-jo stared at Dae-sik. "Aren't you going to take a bag with you?"

"A bag?"

"Yes, for a change of clothes if you get sweaty or if one of those water rides soak you," she told him.

"Oh, good thing I always have an overnight bag packed. Do you and Hoon have one?"

Mi-jo nodded. "In my car. I have snacks in case this boy suddenly feels faint while waiting in line."


"Hoon kept on telling stories all the way to the amusement park," Cha Mi-jo continued telling the sky, hoping it will reach Chan-young. "It felt like he didn't want to waste any second with his favorite agent."

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