Shifts and Turns

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You were suprized these people know you but somehow you kind of knew who they were as well, "I guess you don't remember, huh?" Madoka responded as you just nodded a little confused and embarrassed that you didn't know who exactly they were but them knew who you were. Chris then came down in her usual clothes and rushed up beside you upon seeing who they were "Oh hello, I-... I mean we weren't expecting WBBA's President to be coming over." You looked bavk and forth between the group who knew you and Chris that recognised one of them "hm? I guess (Y/N) is a little confused, mabye we could catch up with the events." Otori said and Chris let them in "Nice place." Madoka said as Kenta waved at you and you just waved back as awkward tension grew a little. You were at first very concerned but then after some introduction to one another and remembering some memorize you soon recognised them as very very very old friends of yours "Hahahah yeah Makota was the dog you talked with about animals and beys from time to time." Ginka laughs with all of you remembering how things were when you were little like Kenta but just an audience "Oh I almost forgot to ask, Do you beyblade you know like battle." Madoka mentioned and you rush up stairs to get your bey, "Chris is your name right, owner of BC Sol?" Kyoya asked "Yes, why?" Chris answered calmly and enjoyed the company "We'll I guess my teams Rivaling yours." He said smiling with a glint in his eyes "Kyoya's right and that goes for my team too." Kenta said they all had a little fun as you went down stairs "Here, this is my bey (B/N)." You handed it to Madoka that examined it, "It's a pretty good bey, may need some fixing up a little though." She said handing it to you "Yeah, but I have used my bey in a while." You looked down at it sadly. "Well then lets go to the tag team battle tournament and mabye it'll inspire you." Chris said out of the blue "Oh yeah, I think it'll be great." Madoka added, they look at you and you shiver nervously but nod as a yes to go there.

Later on in the day you guys walk to the building "So this Valt guy is the new Best beybladers in the world huh?" Ginka said walking as you blabber about how things were going "Wow, that's a lot of things that happend." Benkei said amused but your adventures "Yeah but recently Shu sided unexpectedly with Lean his former Student, but I think it's for a good cause to teach him Bad isn't the way in beyblading... Oh Lean also have this cute hedgehog and I feed him pellets every once in a while when he come to me!" You say joyfully ending it as all of you get close to the building were the tag team battle takes place " About Shu? What do you mean "unexpectedly" (Y/N)." Madoka said curiously and watching her own words "Well Shu and Lean had a Master vs Apprentice battle and first Shu won and though Lean would side in the good ways but refused the second battle he evolved his bey and beat Shu, not sure about what happend next but I just hope Shu didnt just change sides." You answer "Oh well I support that he wants to help." Madoka replied making you smile you all reach the building and Benkei planned of getting snacks with Kyoya, Gonna and Kenta then Chris and Madoka went to the girls restroom and Otori went first to grant you all access inside to watch. At that same time you also witness Shu, Hyuga and Hikaru "Guys?..." You can't hear them but see their mouths moving "Shu...." Hikaru said but you didn't understand the rest of what he said and Shu spoke and said to your understanding was " To Crush..." your body doesn't shiver in fear but in concern and knowing you didn't understand what they said hoped it was just misunderstanding "Shu kurenai..." You spoke in your head "(Y/N) you ok?" Chris puts a hand on you and Madoka looked at you worried "Nothing lets go meet up with the guys." You walked first followed by the girls and meet the guys in front of the building "Hey! Ready?" Ginka asked "Ready!" You all shouted going in to watch the battle.

The host then appeared in the spot light in the middle of the room "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Tag team battle and here we present the teams for this event! First battle Lean and Shu vs Hyuga and Hikaru!" The host shouts and the duo's take their place "So that's them right?" Ginka asked "Yeah Shu's attire also changed." You answer as Ginka looks at them like he knew what they had in mind. Hyuga and Hikaru fired up and send out their signature move as brothers but was stopped immediately with World Slash by Shu "Lean, Finish it." He said calmly and coldly like it was nothing, Lean glanced a smidge bit irritated but finish Hyuga and Hikaru's bey with 'The End' move "I have a bad feeling about this." Kenta said followed by Ginka's words "We gotta do something." You then looked at them as the next team was going to battle "I've seen this before though this is my first time opening up." You say as Chris reacted very quickly to does words "What?!", "Don't tell me you've done something bad using your bey!" Benkei said but you shook your head and said "Right after that day I found my old friends well now that one that 'don't know me' I was offered by someone to join them to become a better blades and to get close to my friends but I refused it also happend with Phi." You said as Chris face turned white "hmm, Phi was a beyblader right? Also broke and beated a ton of blades but was a bad person and broke 3 beys of I recall correctly." Otori said you were suprized he knew since he is the now president of WBBA "when did you know Phi?" Madoka asked "he texted me but I obviously blocked him since I knew something was up I kept my gaurd up too but not that long right after My team lost in the group tournament I kept my gaurd low now." You say and they understood "But They have good friends they'll bring Shu and Lean to the lighter side." You nod and agreed "Hey that reminds me of Ryuga." Kenta said "Ryuga?" Ginka said getting all of attention "Yeah he has a nicer side when I tried convincing him to go with you." Ginka smiled as well as the others you notice Valt and Rantaro in the dark corner only a little light showing their faces, you try and read Valt's lips as it moved suddenly but you couldnt understand at all,"Oh its about to start." Chris says as you all see Ranjiro and Aiger vs Silas and Free battle, "This bastard!" Aiger said as his partner Ranjiro sends an attack on Silas knocking out both bladers leaving Aiger to finish Free. The battle ends and the host declares "The winners are Aiger and Ranjiro!".

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