Shenanigans part 1

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Xander and Xavier were beybattling at the practice room while you just watched since the girls were gonna get something ad comeback but it's been an hour already so you decided to just watch a battle while you waited for the girls "What's taking them so long." You say to yourself, sooner or later you find yourself enjoying the battle between Xander and Xavier. Their beys clash as you remove yourself from laying position on the bench and watch the battle The 2 boys took notice and try not to be obvious that they saw you interested in the battle, they then go on with the battle with full force to see how you would react or feel as the battle went on. Xander was cheerful in the battle as Xavier was confident and smiled putting emotion as Xander was too, you smiled enjoying the battle as its atmosphere tenses as the boys burn up like flames. The beys move swiftly dodging and attacking one another you see sparks fly from every hit until the 2 boys scream filling their beys with emotion and letting out their power on one another having a finishing blow and the beys fly into the air as both burst "Horay!" You jump from your seat with arms up in the air the guys giggle and snicker from how you reacted, embarrassed to sit back down but stand up again to walk out. Xavier then came up to you asking for a battle so you could stay longer "Excuse me, I'd like to battle you." He says you then were suprized knowing his background you didn't wanna be embarrassed so you decline politely with a bow for respect " I'm sorry, I can not." Coping his accent and waving the boys goodbye "Then please stay longer instead, we like your company." Xavier said and then Xander came with a smile also insisting, tho since you were backed up to the door you felt vunrable so you reliance again in a rush you grab the door and try to open it but failed it was the wrong side "Ah-" you flush red embarrassed and run off once you open the door. Xavier was disappointed but Xander cheered him up getting him ready for another battle.

You walk around trying to find the girl but bump in to a Black leopard "Oh hello." You calmly says approaching it it looks at you and you look at the creature "Pat pat." You smile patting the big cats head it sat down liking the rub " What are you doing here!" You could get caught!" A boy said followed by Suoh and Toko "Oh hi I didn't know umm... they were yours." You say unsure if the leopard was girl or boy or neutral "Its ok he...Oh!" He reacts as he brings out a magnify glass looking item and looks at you, "Laban your gonna scare her." Toko said walking up to you both "It's ok umm... nice meeting you friend tho." You stand up as Laban apologized from his unusual gesture "I'm Laban Greatest fourtune teller in the world!" Suoh then came up "I thought you were with the others." He said asking "Oh well im actually trying to find them." You say to them then tell you "We saw them a while ago." Laban said "Oh thanks!" You say about to run off again but Laban stops you "?" Laban then does some fortune teller stuff as the leopard come up to you looking for another pat "Oh well... pat pat." You pat his head as it purrs in comfort "Oh! You won't find them in the same spot but you'll have a great time is you tag along." Laban says as Suoh and Toko a wait your response

A. Go with them
B. Hesitate and try to find the girls

(Choose this will give points to Characters in Shenanigans 1 and 2)

Choice A

"Sure I'd like yo go with you guys." You say happily and the leopard rubs his head on your hand before going to Laban's side, Toko comes up to you and smiles staying by your side and all of you walk around "So where do we go?" You asked Laban then says to use to elevator down to the play floor, you all reach the elevator and meet with eyes with a guest at the hotel She was somewhere at her 50's or 60's of age but seemingly rich since she was wearing and holding Gucci "tch, you all must be mutts playing with toys." She then walks out with alot of rude sass Laban's leopard didnt like the smell in the elevator it was strong even for you and the sent wasn't really good it was like a bad perfume smell "Stairs?" Suoh said backing away not wanting to smell the scent, everyone agrees and goes down the stairs down to the play level. You all look around to see if the girls were there but neither of them were there but did find Kit Lopez "Oh hey everyone!" He waved Laban waves so did the other boys as you just smiled at him "Hi!" You suddenly say Kit shakes your hand it was cold so you shivered a bit when you shaked "Sorry been studing up for the next round." He said but the leopard started to nudge you away from him of just sit inbetween you and Kit when you get 'to close' in the Leopards point of view so you talked to Laban "You leopard seems to protect me or keep me away from Kit." You say, Kit blushed hearing you say his name but got back to his studing of beyblades "He isn't like this but mabye he just likes you." Laban said the leopard Raors placing its head on your lap scratching its head and body slowly falling to sleep. Laban watched you closely as you pet his furry friend "You like animals?" He asked "Mhm!" You hummed in agreement. Toko was playing a game with Suoh " (Y/N) come play! I'm sure you might be good at the game!" Toko said Cheerfully "ok" you say curious of the game. You walk up to Toko and Suoh "Oh its the dance game!" You say pressing the buttons on the machine, it had tiles with arrows on them with neon colors brightly flashing at you "Shu said to Fubuki and then to you that you dance." Toko said like it was nothing you were flustered and felt pressure in you back and chest like it being squished physically "Ahem!..." Suoh nudged him on the shoulder "Ah- Oh well if you dont want me and Suoh will just play it!" Toko said as you nod going back to your seat with Kit and Laban "You dance?" Laban asked as Kit just listens to the starting conversation of you and Laban "Yeah well just a tiny winy bit." Showing you hand and inching your fingers close sampling how much you think you dance. Toko and Suoh then play the dance game and challenge eachother on the points they would get. Laban, You and Kit were watching the two dance off on the machine, they sweated alot to be honest after ward they also sat with us but looked like they were just pranked with the ice bucket challenge "Welp their sleeping now." You say looking at them slowly drifting to sleep in the round couch you all were sitting on. The leopard started to nudge you as it awoke from its current sleep "Oh hello I see you have a bed head." You scruff the animals fur to its more smooth straight fur "Oh that reminds me you name in Filipino translates to fight." You say to Laban as of petting the Leopards head "Oh... Thank you." Laban flushed pink on his cheeks then his leopard purred at him saying "Ohhh~ want to pet too dont you." Showing a smug face, you were obviously unaware of this but Laban held himself and the leopard left you to tease Laban some more. You find Kit looking at parts and streanghts of beys like Sasha's bey "Are you getting ready for the next challenge?" You say leaning in to see the screen "Yeah since Valt and the others are leaving soon." He said sad at the end of the sentence, you were suprized you though they would stay for a while but you guessed wrong "Hyuga and Hikaru just lost from Lean and Valt said he would take them on and fly back to the current tournament." Kit explained to you "Oh well I'll cheer  him on!" You smiled, Kit felt positive aura and sad aura radiating from you, he smiled back at you "I will too also your trying to find the girls right?" He says and you agree. He then told you you just saw them pass while ago but did really bother telling you since he and the others enjoyed a new friend and the company he apologized in the end "that's ok Kit, tho I have to go find them now thanks!" You hug Kit a goodbye aswell as Laban and the leopard.

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