(My BirthDay special)

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You just woke up from your sleep and you hair was more fuzzy and tangled than before, look'n like Anna from frozen "I guess new day?" You asked pretty much its your birthday to day so you got  call from your mom to get down from the building since she visited "Ok" you agreed getting ready for the day. Fast forward to the next day after the fun time you had with family not its your friends turn. The day was now new and bright and you felt like you had a good nights rest, but instead of expecting a happy birthday call it was from Nika saying "Shu is Battling Lean!!!" Then end call in such time of day you wake up to a call like that! Not expected but you wanted to see if Shu would pick up the phone since your mom gave you his number which he agreed too, "... Please." You wished him to pick up but it was turned off you couldn't reach him unless he turned on his phone so you went down to find the girls. It took you an hour or so to find them but worth it "What happend?" You asked running up to them In worry "No how about you?" Nika asked "I did, even called few more times nothing." You and the girls waited and waited again until Naru' s gadget rung "Ah!" Naru falls suprize but picks up quickly "Hey Aiger?" Naru stood up after a few seconds she turned it on speaker for Aiger to speak "Well the battle between Shu and Lean ended and well Lean isn't taking it well." He said as he then adds " Dante told me." After that call you guys didnt know what to do but Nika and Gumita were in a duo battle so you guys could either practice and then check later or the other way around "Mabye lets just give the guys some time." Sasha said trying to lift some spirits but you all were happy that they were all ok for the most part. Later on in the day Shu called you while you were out alone " Hey (Y/N) hopefully your alright since the battle was so close to your birthday." He said as you smiled behind the phone "Thanks I hope you guys, are ok right?" You asked emphasizing he sigh as the phone status from the sound of he breath "We are... I just thought he'd turn better like I did." He said "Ok well you should rest the time there should be very late!" You exclaim worried he was still awake at a late time. Shu scoffed and smiled "Acctually in your time, YOU should be asleep, what are you doing awake?" He ask like he was laughing with clear words "I-... it's not that late also me and the girls practiced for the next challenge." You say pouting and playing with your bey (B/N) in your hand thats asleep, it's was 10:09 PM at night " Well sleep you need your rest as well as the girls." He said, you smile for how caring he is "Ok hotshot-... I mean Shu." You didn't realize what you said until last minute hoping he didn't hear it.

              _-◇•° Shu POV °•◇-_

I was suprized she called me " hotshot " to be honest I didn't even think she though of me that way and wanted to ask but was curious if she did "Hey (Y/N)? Why did you call me 'hotshot' just now." I could hear her a little squeal but came back on the phone "Sorry I just didn't think, thinking and yeah." You didnt really wanna explain much but it was also true " hahaha well goodnight... little owl." I teased her out of the blue but it was nice something like a comeback for calling me a Hotshot, though that made me think "Am I really?" Thinking about it and giggling it off and going back with Valt, Rantaro, Hyuga, Hilary and Drum.

                      _-•° You °•-_

You were so embarrassed by what just happend but it was, enlightening and you heart and stomach fluttered alot "I-... Nope not again no, no, no , nope!" You denied your heart and stomach flutters by going out with the girls "Well how are you now?" Kris asked after your adventure with the girls "Good." You said having a great time " Well i have another Idea." Nika said as she pulled you to the play level of the hotel. You reaches it and found Valt and Toko there "Oh Nika your here!" Toko said and Valt smile brightly and waved at you both and Nika was behind you "Hi Valt! Since when did you get here?" You asked nicely "Oh Nika and Toko wanted to go out together." He said smiling, Nika and Toko were excited as they brought the both of you to the park the park was packed like alot of people were there "Wow I wonder whats happening." You wondered getting close to the crowed and hearing singing. The drums beat to the music as a girl and African male sing along together and followed by an American "🎶How does she knooow, you love her How does she knooooow she's yours!🎶" the girl performer sang out, Valt then came up beside you "Oh wow! Is this a street performance?!" Valt was very excited and realy enjoyed it, you enjoyed the fact that he enjoyed it "Well wheres the twins?" You said looking back and to your suprize the crowd was getting bigger and you were being pushed away, you couldn't see Valt so you called out even in the noisy crowd "Valt!" You shouted "(Y/N)? (Y/N)!!" Valt called back you reach eachother and the crowd passed as well "Whoa... didn't know your were pulled away." He said both of you holding hands as you  look at the moving crowd "Yeah I thought i got lost for a sec there." Nika and Toko smile at the both of you holding hands "Ah- Oh umm... hand?" You point out saying as you both release each others grip, you blush and feel fluttering again inside "Hey (Y/N)!" Nika called out as you get back to the twins eating ice cream and waving to you.

Later on in the evening you stumble apon an archery practice area "huh?" You lifted an arrow and bow up and a line them together "Wonder if i can make a bullseye." You spoke to yourself aiming at the circular white and red stand. You hit it near the middle but still in the circle red zone near the middle "Wonderful shot!" Xavier appeared from no where like POOF! You look at him confused and worried why he was there "But The prince can do better "He said refering to himself, he got one bow and arrow and aimed at the stand "Fire!" He shouted letting go of the arrow shooting in the middle of the stand, you smile at him and complement his skills "Yes, now would you like me to have dinner or just simply go out with me for a while that is." He said as your stomach fluttered once but not affecting much "Well sure, I don't wanna be rude." You say as he brings you out in the open near the beach "It's getting dark." You say as he looked in the distance whith you "Yes but beautiful." He says sitting at an edge as you enjoy the view "Sorry about hitting you with a guitar." He looked away embarrassed "Hahah thats fine I wasn't really hurt that bad anyway." You say smiling brightly at him "Thanks for bringing me out tho." You add as he charming smiled at you and the wind creating a romantic mood as the sunset adds the romantic charms to the equation. Xavier then stands and says goodbye to you as you sit and watch the sunset nicely shimmering a split second of green sun in the distance "Wow" you say.

You then meet Ren Wu "Hello." He says as you wave at him in the sky now in dark blue slowly drifting to a dark sky "It's going to be cold soon you should get inside." He said "Yeah but I like it out here "Then I'll join you, if you dont mind." He said putting his staff down upright "Oh sure." You say waving him over. Ren Wu then sits at the top of his staff comfortably "Oh wow I didn't know you could do that." You smile in amazement " Yeah well its better to see the stars later." He said pointingup at the sky soon flooding in beautiful nebulae and stars glittering the sky nicely "Wow!... How- That's amazing." Ren Wu then stood beside you admiring the stars " Why did you want me to go in if there was something amazing out here?" You asked looking at him "Cuz the view in the roof or garden would make it better, but it already is, isn't it." He said smiling looking up at the sky.

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