Girls Trip!

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"MOM!" You whispered as you sat below your mom's feet as she slept "Hm?!" You Mom moved quickly as she you woke her from her sleep "Yes?" She says "Mom im gonna shower now Me and the girls are going today." You say mentioning that the group bey tournament was starting today "Oh yeah sure just wake me up once tour gonna go." You mom said going back to do a power nap to get ready go and drop you off at the BeyTrain Express station. You got ready and you hear your phone vibrate from an unknown number, you've been getting strange calls from a number and you never answered but the number was diffrent and felt right to answer it " Hello?" You say throught the phone "Hi it's Gumita.".

Gumita was on of Aiger's friend that branched from Rantaro, "Oh hi! It's nice to speak with you again its been a while." You say happily bringing the phone to the bathroom to get a shower " Umm... I wanna going the team!" Gumita shouts from the other side of the phone, you then answer with "The group tournament?" You asked "Yes." She said with determination you felt it throught the phone into your skin "Sure!" You say getting to the site and up dating it mast minute for a new member "Meet you at BeyTrain Express then, also now it's today sorry." You say but suddenly Gumita shouts, ecstatic with your answer "Ok ill be ready... wait will the other agree?" She asked last minute and you answered confidently "Yeah since they also have access to the group member count, you'll revive access to." You say also saying goodbye before ending the call and start to shower and dress to get ready.

(@>~ The girls ~<@)

Ping! Ping! Ping! The sound coming from Nika, Naru, Kris and Sasha's phone rung sending a message to confirm Gumita joining the group "Oh thats nice!" Sasha agreed clicking the accept button "Ah-! thats cool we could know eachother more." Naru said clicking the accept button on her tablet "AH! That cool she joined the team." Kris and Nika pushed the button accepting and automatically sending notification to Gumita.

(@>~ later ~<@)

Gumita and you ride in a Taxi with your mom to BeyTrain Express "So how are you?" You spoke trying to make a small conversation, "Good you?" Gumita replied nicely "Yeah, so why come with us instead of the others." You asked her but she responded with nothing for a while until she said " We'll i wanna try beating Ranjiro and Rantaro, wanna be better." She said clinching her fist and pouting a bit, you pat her shoulder to clam down "That's nice, and now that you mention it the girls and me never really told the guys about this." You tell Gumita with a smile brightening her up "Me too." She giggled after the sentence. You mom then gets something from her bag "Mentales." You mom hands to you and share it with Gumita before giving back to your mom the Mentales was originally minty but you both eat the fruit flavoured ones, it was sweet and chewy. You then arrive at the Train station "Bye bye Mommy!" You say giving her a goodbye kiss and hug, "Your use to it?" Gumita asked lifting an eyebrow with a smirk on her face "Yeah since its normal to me." You say to her and look in front of you to see the others standing waiting for you "Yes were all here, good thing we aren't late, our guide is waiting." Kris says smiling pulling her luggage with her "It's nice of you to join us Gumita!" Naru said lifting her luggage and you help her with it, Nika talks with Gimita following you and the other girls.

The Station was big and alot of Beybladers, workers and students were their booking or going to their designated train "Kris? Where do we go first?" You asked since you never used the Train much and you nearly know how to get around the place "Well first our guide is supose to help us but they aren't here." She says looking left and right for the guide, "Hey there! Sorry I'm late." An adult man walks up to you guys and greets you. He then lead you and the girls to your train "So before you all go to the tournament you'll first face a puzzle, these puzzles or challenges occur before you all can get through and Bey battle, K?" He said looking at his chart and flipping the papers attach to it.

You and the girl then get on the train since the guide just left without anymore context. "That wasn't realy what I expected but at least we can get to the challenge and have our first team battle!" Kris says putting her bag on a luggage shelf, You help Nika and Naru with their bags but along the the way of doing it your bandage gets ripped of from getting stuck on one of their bags "Oh!-" you reacted and open you bag to get a new band Aid "Are you ok?" Gumita reacted as Kris checks on you and worries. Nika then asked you "Where did you get that?" With full attention remembering that yesterday Fubuki and Shu were trying to find you. Kris was curious on why Nika asked so she listened to what you had to say, "I got it from a knife since I was carving something out from soap." You say looking at the newly Bandaged finger

"Oh, well mabye it'll heal before we have a bey battle with the other contestants."

Sasha said smiling with confidence "What about Shu and Fubuki they said yesterday they would find you." Nika said "O-o-oh!" You stutter hearing their names and tumour heart starts to pound loudly echoing through your body as you face pinkend "They helped me." You said a little muffled with your voice, "Ohhhh~" Sasha teased you as you slouched in your seat as Kris pulls you up to put you in a proper sitting position "Well-" before Naru was able to say anything the lights went out as the trains speaker let out a deep, eiry voice "Welcome to your first challenge." You said distorted, Nika and Naru held each other as Sasha comforted them. You, Kris, and Gumita pat and tapped around trying to find some light, the Train entered a tunnel when the lights went out a long one. Gumita then flicks on a emergency flashlight "Ah!" Everyone was happy but remembering what the speaker said It's was going to be their first Challenge, "We better find out what our first challenge is." Gumita sounded scared but composed herself giving you and the others flashlights "Much better some- LIGHT! You screamed out the words light since you were going to say it but once you saw the red stains on the Train floor you could compose yourself quick enough to tell the others calmly "W-what?! H-hap-pend!" Naru says shakened but you scream "Sorry it's just... That!" You pause in your sentence trying to think of a way to put it down lightly the news of red stains on the ground. Kris and You were realy suprized but offer the other girls to stay in place just in case "Let's go check (Y/N)." You nod with some fear but you bravery takes over for that moment.

As you walk the hall with the stains of red and only your flashlights giving light to your darken hallway " There!" Kris whispered loudly "ok" you say going toward the end of the stains "It just leads no where from here." You say confused as the red stains end 10 feet away from the connected train door "mhp!" Kris gets a shiver down her spine as a cold droplet hits her back, you look up and to your suprized it was a fake hand with fake blood dripping of it, but on the hand was a remote button "Kris look!" You say as Kris looks up with a cold shiver once she set eyes on the fake hand "O-oh just umm...*gulp* a fake hand." She said shaken up and scared "There's a button help me press it." You say naturally since you knew no one was hurt and it was just a fake hand " WHAT!?" Kris shouted in panic of fear "What???" You said as if it was normal to press a button from a severed arm "fine but quickly!" She said to you getting you flashlight. "Oh!" You press the button and starts to beep but it does nothing else from that "We should go back." You say as Kris nods very quickly agreeing to get back to the girls.  You get back to the others and hug them, but as you do light flicked back on "We'll done! You challenge is Ack-!" The speaker let out that eiry, deep voice once again but the end wasn't realy what you all had in mind " I TOLD YOU TO WAIT! DIDNT I TELL TO DO THE CHALLNGES ONCE ALL THE GROUPS ARE ON THE TRAIN!" A man shouts as it was heard all over the Train with the other contestants hearing it too "AH! Sorry about this we'll be back." After that a click was heard turning off the microphone that let them speak throught the speaker "Huh! That was..." Gumita said "odd?" And Nika adding to her sentence.

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