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Harry's POV

I'm really worried about Carter. She's been here two months now. We had to hold of the tour because she wasn't ready. Which is fine. I'm not blaming her. She's just making me very nervous.

"What are you thinking about mate?" Louis asked breaking me from my trance. We were all at the swimming pool. Actually in the hot tub. No one felt up to swimming today. It's been kind of rough.

"I wander how Carter's taking all of this." It was quiet for a minute. Then Liam spoke.

"Either if she's taking it hard or not we will be here for her. I think I can say for not only me but for the rest of the boys, she's kind of grown in us."

"Yeah. She's like the little sister I've always wanted!" Zayn spoke.

"What happened Zayn? You were there when no one else was." Niall spoke. He had been the quietest of all of us. I'm not stupid. I know he likes Carter.

"Harry's phone was ringing when Harry was in the recording booth for his solo. It was his mum. So I answered and she asked me to check in Carter. So I did. And when I got the, the door knob was broken and I heard a crashing noise come from inside. When I got in there, Carter.." He trailed off. Afraid of what to say next. "Carter had a..gun up to her head. Being held back by the guy. Without thinking, I pulled the hand away, making up shoot another guy. I took the one guy out. Carter looked terrified. It hurt to see her like that."

We all sat silent for a moment. Then I said, "it was a brave thing you did Zayn. If it wasn't for you, she could have been dead." Another silence drifted over.

"Lets go back up. I think Carter's getting lonely!" Louis jumped out of the hot tub and was out of the area faster than you can say. . . Tommo.

We all trailed after the excited boy. He was already in the elevator on its way up when we got to it. Waiting to the elevator, I looked around at all the nice people. Most were old couples. It was sweet to think about.

Once up to our floor, Louis ran out of the room. Out of breath, and very pale.

"What is it?" Liam asked trying to get the boy to talk.

"Louis. Where's Carter?" I said getting a little frustrated with him.

"She's.. She's gone."


Carter's POV

"So your mom?" Daniel asked confused.

"That's what it says here."

"Anything else?"

"She did it for my protection. And that it's what was best for me." I sat down and looked at the photo of the blonde girl. "How did that work out? I was hurt because of her."

"What do you mean?" Daniel asked confused.

"Not many people know." I began trying to hold back the tears. "The only reason I can't remember anything, is because.. I was beaten as a child. I stayed with this one family for five years. Worst five years of my life. They dad beat me. Mom didn't care. And no one suspected anything. Finally, when things got out of hand. I was taken to the hospital. And they went to jail."

"What did they do?"

"I..I can't say." Truth is, I loved them. It was wrong but I did. Even if they hurt me, I was closest with them. They were my family.

"I'm sorry Carter." Daniel came and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. I didn't cry. I was fed up with crying. Crying is a sign of weakness. No way I was going to let myself become weak.

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