2: London

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*Harry's POV*

I was awoken by the sound of a vibrating phone. I snuck my head under the blanket ignoring it. It started again. This time I reached my hand for the phone on the charger and tugged at it. I pressed the answer button not looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"Harry my man! Do you and Carter want to come over today? This kind of is your flat too you know," I heard Louis voice say. His voice is always bright and chirpy. I don't get it.

"Um. Sure. I'll be over once Carter gets up," I said sitting covering my eyes with my hand. I rubbed them till I was immune to the sun.

"Hurry," he whined. Before I could answer he hung up. I put my phone down and lifted the mattress back up, trying not to disturb Carter. Her eyes were red and puffy. Poor girl must have been up all night. I decided to let her sleep for another hour or so.

I hopped down the steps to find the house empty. There was a slip of paper under a plate of muffins.

Dear Harry and Carter, 
Robin and I went out for the day. Doing a bit of shopping for the house. Call me if you need something. Love you both! Xx

I put the paper down and started munching on the muffins. It was only 7:15. Damn Louis wakes up early.

I decided I would hop in the shower before Carter got up. It didn't take long. Maybe 10 minutes tops. I hopped out and slipped on some nice comfy clothes. I love having breaks. It feels nice to spend time with the family.

"Harry?" I heard Carter say from the hall way. I walked out and met up with her. "Where is everyone?"

"They went out. A bit of shopping. Do you want to come hang out with Louis and the other mates?" I asked following her down the stairs.

"Sounds fun. I'll hop into the shower then we can go," she said running up the steps. I heard the door close and the sound of running water going. All I could think about was Carter. Her life was literally hell. I feel terrible.

"Hey Harry," I heard Niall say walking into the kitchen.

"Hey," I said playing a game on my phone.

"Where is Ca- everyone?" He stopped himself from saying Carter.

"Mum went out and Carter's getting ready. We were just about to come over. What are you doing up so early?" I asked. Niall never gets up early. Like ever.

"I couldn't sleep last night," he said twisting in his chair.

"Still upset Carter beat you at zombies?" I laughed.

"How can she better than me!? I own that game every time!!!" Yup. He was still upset. I just laughed and continued to play my game. The thumping of Carter's footsteps echoed the house. She skipped the last step making an entrance. She had her laptop bag on one hand and grabbed a muffin with the other. She was wearing a plain gray sweater with black jeans and gray vans. Kind of a boyish look but she still looked good.

"What?" She asked breaking Niall and I from our trance.

"Nothing. Lets get going," I said grabbing my jacket. We got into Niall's car and drove off towards our flat. Carter sat in the back, headphones in, gazing really hard out the window.

"How is she doing?" Niall asked not taking his eyes off the window.

"She cried all night. I have a feeling she's a little home sick. I feel terrible," I said looking at Carter through the review mirror.

"What happened? Why is she here?"

"She was abandoned at a young age. That's all I know about how she can in. But she loved her old foster parents. There is a history with abusive fathers in the line. Except for the last one. I honestly don't know why she left her old family," I said leaning against the window.

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