She's Broken

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It's been three days since the boys came. Three days the box has been sitting in the middle of the room. Three days nothing has happened to us. Three days. 

Right now? We're all sitting in the living room, straing at the box. This is what we spend most of our time doing. Just staring at the box. This box holds everything we need. Answers. Clues. Being the only one being able to move, I stood up walking towards the box, sitting my self in front of it. No words were said  as I began to tear the tape. Everyone was quiet. 

The tape was off. The lid was still on, making everything inside still a secret. Everything is in this box. 

I was about to life the lid when I felt Harry come up behind me. Turning around, I could see everyone staring. Niall on the floor. Louis and Eleanor cuddled up together. Zayn and Liam sharing the bean bag. And Harry and I sitting in front of the box. "Ready?" Harry asked taking hold of one of my hands. I nodded, squeezing my eyes before the lid was lifted. 

"What's inside?" Liam asked, breaking the silence. 

"More like what's not in it," Harry said finally going to the other side of the box. Inside there was pictures, letters, items of all kinds. It was everything that would give me what I need.


"Nothing," I sighed. "Nothing at all." I threw the few papers I had in my hand on the ground, curling my head into my knees. Could things possibly get worse?

"It's okay Carter," I heard Louis say, wrappng his arms around me. "We will figure this out."

"Can we?" I asked looking up, tears in my eyes. "We have gotten no where in a month! People think we're dead! That man is out there to kill me! I give up!" I got to my feet, running for the back room. Locking the door, I pulled out the iPod Harry gave me, plugging the head phones in, laying on the bed. The only thing I could hear was the distance of footsteps and the music in my ears. 

Sooner than later I fell asleep. Hoping that when I wake up, everything will be better.

"Carter. Are you alright?" Chris asked as I sat there on the end of the bed. My arms had brusies on them, making it hurt to move. "I'm Chris. I will take you somewhere safe." She picked me up, taking me to the back of her black car. Outside, I saw the man that beat me when I was little. His wife was being held back as he was being arrested. Put into a police car. I could tell the women wanted to come for me. Not to hurt me, but to...protect me. 

"CARTER!" I heard her yell. I felt my swolen lips try to move, but that couldn't. I couldn't move anything. Nothing. 

"Yes we have a child who was hurt. A broken leg. Black marks everywhere. Black eye. Cut down her side. We need her to a hosital," I heard Chris say beginning to take off. My mind fell back to the women. Her constant screams as that man touched me. Her trying to protect me. Her begging to not touch me there. It all came back. That was 11 years ago. 

I woke up from the dream with a jump. When awake, I found Harry, Niall, and Zayn cuddled up to me. Louis and Liam were on the floor as El was no where to be seen. Harr's arm was wrapped around my waist as my hand was placed in Nialls. Zayn was cuddled into Nialls back as the other two sprawled all over the floor. 

"I know what happened," I whispered, hopping over the other boys. I ran into the bathroom, pulling up my shirt. There it was. The scar. The one that was given to me by the horrid man. The way he did that, sticking that drug into my side. That's how everything was lost. That's why I can't remember a damn thing. 

"Carter?" I heard Niall say coming into the bathroom. "What happened?" He ran over to see the scar run down my side. His hand brushed over it, feeling the wound. 

"It was a long time ago," I said pulling my shirt down. I turned towards him, grabbing his face in my hands. "Niall," I said begining to cry. 

"What is it love?" he asked, wiping the tears away. 

"I remember. I remember everything," I said hugging his chest. He securly wrapped his arms around my waist, placing a kiss on my head. His fingers ran through my short hair as we stood there. Everything came back. The moment I left. The moment I saw my mom die. Everything.


It was around 2 am, and I really didn't want to wake anyone. I just sat in the living room, Nialls head on my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair. He was sound asleep as I played with the blonde locks. His snore quiet and cute.

"Are you okay?" I heard the voice of Harry behind me. I smiled as he took a seat in front of me, on the floor.

"Remember when we went to the beach and the segul ate my sandwhich?" I smiled. He turned his head around, facing me.

"You..You were four," he said sitting my way now.

"I know," I smiled. Harry looked at me funny until I burst to tears. "I'm sorry you had to see me leave like that!" I jumped into his arms as he wrapped is arms around my small body. "Being ripped from your arms, being taken by the hair. I'm sorry."

"Carter," he said but I cut him off.

"That day, we were playing in the sandbox. A man came out of the house, gun in hand. You pulled me into your grasp as Edward tried to pull him off. He failed. The man then took me by the hair, and pulled me from you. Edward and Gemma had to hold you back. Once inside, Hailey, the blonde girl, hit the guy, taking me to the room upstairs. She hid me under the bed, telling me she loved me and that everything will be alright. That's when the man came in and...pulled the triger. Her body fell to the floor," I said. His eyes went wide.

"Carter, my mom-"

"No. Wait," I said cutting him off. "The thing was, when the man went to look for me, that lady was still breathing. She got up and walked away."

"What?" Harry asked. 

"Harry. Hailey is alive," I said now crying uncontrollably. He pulled me into his grasp, crying himself. 

"I'm sorry you had to remember," he said into the top of my head. I pulled back, surprised. 

"Why?" I asked. "I know now. I know everything Harry. I know who my REAL dad is. I know who my REAL mom is. I know where they are. Or at least have an idea."

"Wait that guy isn't you dad?" he asked.

"No. He wanted something from my mom. And when she couldn't give it to him, he used me as an excuse," I replied.

"What did he want?" he asked. I jumped off his lap and to the box that was in the room.

"This," I said pulling out a file. "This is his secret before what he did now. If government got ahold of this, he will be ruind." I pulled out a few more things. "These numbers and places? The aren't factories. They are my moms siblings and relatives. HER birth parents. This was her secret."

"Why would he not want her to know?" he asked.

"My mom is the head cheif of the CIA Harry."


OHHHH SNAPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! What will happen now that Carter has the truth??????? AHHHHHH


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